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[Instagram – Satan is Shiva, Francis Xavier tried to defame Hinduism]

I have not studied this video, which I saw only yesterday evening, from a historical perspective, but my cosmic view showed me a year or more ago that the dark force, which certain people worship in the Western world (Aghori cult → அகோரம்), is the energetic state of Shiva as Pithan1, namely after the suicide of Sati, when he loses his mind, but the anger of Rudra, etc. is still present in him. I have also seen that witchcraft has been practiced here, perhaps even by Westerners. Some other forces, e.g. Ravana (Ramayana) or Saguni or Duryodhana, have been herded together or enslaved together.

Apparently even one of the world’s most renowned universities, the California Institute of Technology, also known as Caltech, was founded by Satanists at least this is mentioned in an episode of Young Sheldon 🤭. The famous physicist Stephen Hawking also taught in this department. One should not forget that Newton also secretly worked on alchemy. Whose reincarnation do you think Isaac Newton was? Of course, only if your mind allows it, because culture castrates, i.e. limits, that’s the whole point, right?

Back to the secret services, is this also the reason why the CIA has its headquarters on the west side of the USA? While we’re at it, why are two of the German secret services, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the MAD (Militärischer Abschirmdienst: Military Counterintelligence Service) [MAD → English word “mad”  → Pithan 🤭] in Cologne, which is in North Rhine-Westphalia, and the third BND was in Bavaria until it was transferred to Berlin a few years ago? Speaking of Cologne, I had a four-week advanced seminar there in Cologne with the Bundeswehr. It also occurs to me that Jay-Z and Puff Daddy etc. are also causing havoc on the west side, what a coincidence?

Now back to the German secret services, does this issue with the division of the secret services also have to do with the 3+1 occupation [USA, France, Great Britain and Soviet Union or Russia → 3+1]? A nice number, isn’t it 🤭? The historical course of events was also interesting for me. The Allies liberated the Germans from the Nazis, but appointed a former Nazi, Reinhard Gehlen, as the first head of the Federal Intelligence Service (BND). What a paradox, to give the Nazi scientists new identities and make them work for the American military, etc. I also heard or read – I’m not sure – that a child, for example, was locked up in complete darkness for its entire life from birth in order to find out what its mental development would be like. People are barbaric, especially in the name of science. I read this once because I was also very interested in psychology (since the late 1990s), especially because a lot of human behaviour was very foreign to me as a teenager and I wanted to understand it. One more thing, why were the former Germanic tribes called barbarians, were they the descendants of Ravana 🤭? Do you know what coincidence 🎲🤣 is, also in the context of linguistics? I have also been involved in linguistics, mainly inspired by computer science, namely by the Chomsky grammars (compiler construction). Mr. Chomsky is a very admirable personality, there are several recent interviews with him, for example on Swiss television (SRF) ” Noam Chomsky – Wissenschaftler und Rebell, Sternstunde Philosophie (Noam Chomsky – scientist and rebel, Great moment of philosophy)“.

Do you know that numbers can tell stories, maybe everyone has their own 😇 story? Remember that 1+1 is not always 2. Do you know why? You all think they have to be decimals, but this is a definition. If you learn to deal with them, you will also be able to read traces 💀🤭, whether in science, criminology, etc. … Maybe now I understand why the CIA was interested in magicians, circus people, etc. Imagine that circus people are like postmen because they travel around the world 🤭. Most of them are vagabonds, maybe like Shiva, who of you knows where the Tamil word, nowadays a swear word, Paradesi (பரதேசி) comes from, although Pithan is also a swear word, at least that was what Sundarar intended, right? Paradesi, my cosmic view: “பரதேசி → பரந்து தேசத்தில் திரிபவன் [someone who wanders around in the wide country] → அலைந்து திரிபவர் [vagabond]”. Do you know why Shiva tells Sundarar to be Tevaram (தேவாரம்) with the word Pithan (Pitha pirai soodi ← பித்த பிறை சூடி பெருமானே) start?


1 Pithan means the madman, but does not refer to the era around Sundarar, i.e. from the new history of mankind, but according to my visions from a very earlier era that science still denies. Even Charles Darwin recognized this back then, that many things were different, as he may have postulated at a younger age.

Some keywords: Chemical evolution, Cambrian explosion

Humanity or parts of humanity have already been given a reset/ground zero several times, only this time it will be final. The only question is from which generation and how …