Thought Experiment of a Special Kind – Part 2

Speaking of numbers, does anyone know what Life Numbers (we call them Number Sasthiram) are and how to calculate them?

For example, let’s take the date of the JFK assassination, which is November 22, 1963, what Life Number does that date have?

The calculated Life Number is 4:7.

Please don’t ask about the meaning or whether there is a certain scientific explanation or correlation for it. There are also people in the military or CIA 🤭who have dealt with this kind of thing.

Many people don’t know that, for example, the first Chancellor of Germany, according to some reputable sources (unfortunately I don’t know them anymore), Konrad Adenauer, consulted astrologers when important appointments were at hand, or even the former American President Ronald Reagan. There may be people from the current time, but most of the time they will probably never reveal it to anyone, maybe in a similar way to how Isaac Newton dealt with alchemy 🤭.

Please note, I never said that all of this is true, nor the opposite, this is not a political move, but if anything, a didactic move.

The mathematics to form the life number is very simple, namely the first number is simply formed by forming the cross sum of the date, i.e. 2 + 2 = 4 and the second number, there is also a single-digit cross sum of the entire date, that is 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 3 = 25 → 2 + 5 = 7.

Apparently, there was speculation as to whether what was shown on the Simpsons was fortune telling. Regardless of whether the cosmos allows this0, i.e. seeing into the future, or simply an apparent correlation is created, similar to how different secret service departments sometimes communicate with each other or with each other in order to eliminate traceability, this can simply be the colour or style of a tie or that you pull down the blinds or only half or which blinds are pulled down etc., i.e. right or left 😂.

No, it’s not movie-worthy 🤭. Much of what exists in films is a reflection of reality and what was once a film can perhaps also become reality, e.g. Knight Rider or many elements from Enterprise, the next generation (Tablet PCs). This is also due to the nature of this cosmos, namely that any imagination that is even possible only represents a subset of the entire probability space. You can and will never be able to imagine it, but if I tell you that this cosmos is splitting off and you ask the question what the resulting cosmos might look like, unless you assume that the one that splits off must already contain the elements of the old one, then it can have similarities. Do you understand what I mean? Let’s take the English alphabet, every English word can only consist of these 26 letters, right? It’s the same with the cosmos, even when it comes to imaginations.

Remember, as I said in a short message, that you just have to let cosmic data or other things in life lie as they come.

They can make you sick on different levels, it can be emotion, reason and many other human entities.

Now I have touched on many things1 without bringing them all together, namely the life number of JFK’s murder and the prediction that the 47th president will be shot in one of the many episodes of “The Simpsons” is a kind of rule-based statement. 

If we are already looking into the crystal ball, then there is a phenomenon that according to some sources has come true in all federal elections in Germany up to now, namely there is a constituency in Germany, that is in Pinneberg, which always reflects what came out at the end after the elections, i.e. which party will provide the Federal Chancellor. 

Maybe the cosmos offers a kind of API (Application Programming Interface) where certain cultivated things can be created based on rules 🤭, which could then perhaps explain the many cultural customs such as superstition, right?

Don’t try to look at the cosmos purely technically, this is mainly just a model explanation from me, and the use of the terms is also due to the fact, as I have already said, that everything can only be invented, or in other words can be found, if they also exist or are an element of the probability space of the cosmos, like the alphabet and the formation of words from the alphabets. Of course, there can also be rules that can construct something new, e.g. new letters, but then there is also this dynamic rule as part of this cosmos.

Imagine that the door, window, and many other things are also a kind of API of a house, because people can go in and out of the house through the door, the light can go in and out through the window so that the light doesn’t go out (light3 = information), there are curtains, and vice versa so that the light doesn’t come in. You can also see this as a kind of firewall.

In software development, the APIs are also there so that a kind of communication can take place between different programs. You can also build a house where nothing goes out or comes in, but that’s more like a coffin 🤭, right?

Thought experiment

Imagine there are arrogant people who come up with the idea: “Come on, let’s make him believe something wrong 🤭”

Let’s say for fun 😂🤭 that they use some kind of unknown technology from a previous civilization, this is what is called UAP today, to make someone believe something. Do you know what reverse engineering is?

If you have understood the principle that I explained that humans do not have real free will and you can also understand that those who are arrogant and set a trap for someone are being tricked by something truly powerful (or omnipotent) into thinking that they are making someone believe something wrong, with the most powerful person over these arrogant people making the others say something. Can you follow 🤭?

Do you like this thought experiment?

Do you understand what Hinduism means by karma or fate? Speaking of the number 47, or the numbers 4 and 7 also have a meaning in Hinduism, namely verse 4.7 in the Gita. Speaking of 47, it is mirror-symmetrical2 to 74

Bhagavad-Gita 4.7:
Whenever the order (morality) of the world goes down and disorder increases, you descendant of the Bharata, then I’ll create myself.

Last but not least: Remember that most things never affect a single person, but also their entire environment, just as the mistakes of a father affect the children or the family, and vice versa, the mistakes of children can ruin the lives of their parents. The problem is, if someone has no connection to family because he or she has never had one or only had negative experiences, then this will have an impact on their environment, that is, society. In this way, a society or culture can gradually become poisoned or perish without realizing it, all in the name of modernity.

There may be people/systems that take advantage of all these circumstances or have even consciously brought all of this about.

What do you think happens in a heart when someone is called a bastard, a son of a bitch or a nigger? Do you think that love arises? Is everyone immune to such attacks? Do you know why constructs like autism exist in nature? Is something missing or is it a gift?

You reap what you sow, right? Isn’t it like karma? Cause and effect, it is also called causality.

Something else about karma, the blind or arrogant can see this story as a kind of parable:

There is a story in our culture where a king is told by a fortune teller that his death will come from the bite of a poisonous snake. So, the king, out of fear, built his palace in the middle of the sea so that the snake could not find access to his palace.

What happened was that a poisonous snake lay down in one of the king’s fruit baskets and was thus carried into the palace. How do you think the king died in the end?

What I am trying to tell you for now is, don’t run away from your problems. The price for running away or delaying (1+3) is always immense. Even if you manage to run away from your fate in your current life, you will pay even more heavily for it later. The world is round 🤭, no matter how you run, sooner or later the past will catch up with you.


0 If you understand what I mean by the different dimensions or entities, you also understand what fortune-telling might be. Isn’t it the case that an imagination takes hold at some point? I’ve already given two examples, namely the talking car or machine and tablet PCs. There are people who have to create theories before they start working, and then there are people who are pragmatic and start without thinking, as if a magical invisible mother hand was helping them in their work. Do you know what I mean?

[One more thing, I’m starting with zero because it wasn’t until the very end that I realized that there was a need for explanation, even though I had already finished numbering the footnotes.]

1 This happens to me often in the heat of the story, perhaps similar 🤭 to Abhimanyu, the son of Arjuna, who learned in the womb how to break through one of the powerful multidimensional defence formations “Chakravyuha“, but no longer how to escape from it.

According to my own interpretation, it could also be a kind of energy field in combination with classical formations, so somehow multidimensional 😇, but not how the string theorists interpret the dimension, but more like the mathematicians.

Other phenomena that I have also noticed, e.g. B. If you wear the covers of Dhritarashtra, you will become blind, by which I mean the inner eye or the intellect or the vision that affects the intellect.

Did you know that the Hindus interpret the world as being Mayan (illusory)? Everything has a certain magic.

2 Attention, the word mirror symmetrical is not defined in mathematics as I use it. This is my definition.

3 Why is light the same as information? Why do you have curtains? So that one on the outside doesn’t see everything that’s happening inside, right? You are thus castrating the information to the outside. Speaking of which, that reminds me of the saying 🤭: “Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”