Only the present is absolute real

$t=\frac{s}{v}→\frac{s}{c}→\frac{299792458\frac{m}{s}}{149598022000 m}=499.0052885 seconds→\frac{t}{60}=8.316754809 min⁡≈8 min⁡ 32 sec$

Please always remember that the past cannot be changed and no one can change it. This would break the rules of this cosmos [Sanātana Dharma – SD], the cosmos of purity and subtlety, the future must first be born, and therefore must be earned, being born can also be translated into reality, in other words, you must plant fertile seeds. None of you knows whether the day will come tomorrow, not even whether the earth will set in the next few minutes, because if the sun were to suddenly go out, the earth would only find out about 8 minutes later that someone had turned off the light, regardless of the further impact of the suddenly occurring vacuum, i.e. gravitational or that of the catapult. Regardless of the type of disappearance, the end takes on different forms of the apocalypse.

From these circumstances, the only possibility arises that only now can truly exist, even if this span/moment is infinitesimally small but that is a separate topic. These are your decisions, actions and everything that goes with it. Only this is true.