Modern vs. Conservative – Part 2

Conservative [Shiva] vs. Modern (Adi-Shakti)

What conservative means is that it does not change, like the mathematical equal sign “=“, whereas modernity represents or describes a change, in other words in the mathematical sense the inequality ““. If something changes, then it can no longer be the same, right?

One more thing about mathematics and brackets. There is a difference between square and round brackets, for example in the notation of sets, or more precisely in intervals, not only that one has a masculine facet and the other a feminine facet. One should also not forget that men also have feminine aspects, whether physical (DNA, hormones, …), mind, emotions and so on, just as women have masculine aspects, and everything in nature is made up of these two aspects.

It may be that there are life forms, like a snail, where there is no gender, which does not mean that it has one or the other, but it will also have both, since these are inseparable even down to the subatomic level and below.

Physicists know that matter is also just a kind of appearance, while Hindus say that the world is afflicted by Maya, i.e. illusion or projection. Quantum physics describes matter up to a limit where no clear lines can be seen, is it solid or is it just vibration? The reason1 why quantum physics sees everything as quantized or defined in packets is only because everything has a causal connection between these lines, at least according to modern science. It is even the case, and perhaps not many people know this, that below this Planck scale or limits, which can be the Planck line or the Planck time, which are the Planck units, the world can be completely crazy, i.e. the laws of physics can be broken, such as those of thermodynamics, in other words perpetuum mobile would be possible 🙈🪔🤭.

According to my cosmic view, this is what modern science proclaims as physical laws, namely a special type of manifestation of the Mayan force, that is the power of Adi-Shakti. These laws are constant, like a diamond, that is the male aspect, and therefore cannot be changed. In order for there to be stability in the world, certain things have to be constant, right? Can a world exist if all forces are constantly changing? Would solid matter be possible?

Last but not least: Many people may know the word “Maya” in the context of the Mayan culture, which is the culture or civilization in South America. Do you now know what coincidence is? I don’t want to say that this must have been the case, that it was a coincidence, that the term Maya just happens to describe a civilization in South America, but it is a standard vocabulary of Hinduism.

According to some modern scientific explanations, there are indications, and there were at the time too, that all of these cultures are of Indian origin. For me, as a layperson in the field of archaeology, the temple architecture, for example, seems similar to the Hindu temples, at least on the first level of pattern recognition.

I have even been able to extract or sense something in recent years that the airplane or spaceship described in Ramayana was found somewhere in South America and/or in the southern part of North America decades or even centuries ago in the deep mountains of America. I also have the cosmic view that there were even androids that were found dismantled or not fully functional somewhere in the mountains on the American continent about 200 years ago.


1 This is a very simplified statement. There are observations in physics that confirm this quantized phenomenon rather than the continuous course, which, for example, analogue technology suggests, in contrast to digital technology.