Modern vs. Conservative
It is incomprehensible to the uncultured, who probably consider themselves to be modern, let alone to the UNWORTHY.
Of course, the generations before cannot change their lives up to the present hour, so the past cannot be changed, but how it should be should be clear to everyone. This and only this allows a certain future to be possible for the worthy and those who want to be so, as long as they remain pure to the end: “The future must be earned“, but in such a way that there will never be any beneficiaries/parasite, that is, before there are beneficiaries, everyone would lose the future.
Even if parts of science believe that travel into the past or future is possible, that is nonsense. I can explain certain phenomena that have been identified differently, namely that the seed that has been planted constructs a parallel probability space from which something emerges and is projected onto the real axis, in combination with shifts in perception, which also comes about through the different reference systems, similar to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity.
Do you actually know what the word modern actually means, as opposed to conservative?
Does the word “modern” say anything about the quality or quantity of the referenced construct/system? No, that would be nonsense. Look at the cars that are produced today and many other things, they are of inferior quality and that is intentional, it is called obsolescence. It does not necessarily have to be inferior quality across the board, but certain predetermined breaking points are deliberately added or inferior quality is used in certain places, I have noticed this in various things, e.g. in the vacuum cleaner. Of course, I know the business reasons, but that is another topic.
Modernity stands for change, that can be good or bad, so it can also be evil, in contrast to the conservative, that is unchangeable, if you compare it to a diamond, it even takes on a positive meaning, right?
Do you even know that the Trishula of Adi-Shakti is slightly slanted (11 o’clock position) in contrast to the Trishula of Shiva (12 o’clock position)? Do you also know why?
The female is always slanted, didn’t you know that ππ€ͺ? The interesting thing is that the son can come after the mother and the daughter can come after the father, so crossed, this is also how healthy reproduction is in the natural case, i.e. in cosmic or divine cases. From this context you will understand why absolute asymmetry is elementary, is indispensable, especially in today’s times (Doomsday π), so that a certain symmetry arises.
Change means asymmetry, only through asymmetry are changes possible, symmetry means that they are equal, e.g. 4+1 = 5, in contrast to an inequality, which is 5 < 8. The word inequality also sounds very scary, don’t you think? Imagine there is no change, then there is no possibility of improvement, but if the asymmetry is too great, then it ends in catastrophe.
Did you know that there is a theory called the “butterfly effect” which uses an analogy to explain that the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in the Sahara causes a hurricane on the other side of the world?
What this analogy tries to describe is that small changes in the starting parameters have a big impact on the end result.
Do you also know where this gentleman behaviour comes from or the bad boy behaviour?
For example, put a dog in the middle of the road and say: “Don’t move”, what would happen if the dog didn’t move because it had to listen to the command, was conditioned to do so or is in the dog’s nature and a car came racing towards it, in contrast to a cat, which has a mind of its own anyway and doesn’t let anyone tell it what to do.
Maybe you understand a lot of things better now π€π. The female wants change, the male on the other hand wants to keep in step, like the soldiers, in contrast the male wants to conquer, this is thanks to the Guna Rajas. The men are physically strong, the women are mentally strong (e.g. feeling pain, think of pregnancy), this also comes about because of this, this is Purusha, i.e. software, which represents the mind or the father and physical dominance, this is Prakriti, symbolizes Adi-Shakti.
Another analogy of the divine feminine and the divine masculine manifest differently in nature, namely gas needs a vessel so that it is no longer volatile, a vessel represents matter or Prakriti, of course a gas is also matter, this is all complicated to understand and actually cannot be separated, in fact very complex.
In true love there is no separation either, it is the ego, the darkness that separates you, I wear the breeches and not you, as if the right hand is arguing with the left, although it is natural that one hand is a little stronger, but both are irreplaceable and complement each other.
Ask the bodybuilders whether they value the fact that both halves of the body are trained symmetrically, why do you arrogant people think that your better half should be inferior? You notice it in aesthetics, but it gets lost in marriage, right?
You all create the problems yourself, perhaps boredom or stupidity or a combination of both, then there is also the INVISIBLE, where GASLIGHTING is practiced?
Remember, entering into a relationship with the wrong asymmetry is like stealing someone else’s asymmetry. This has serious consequences, especially in the current time, because it also determines the future. Of course, nothing can be wasted or used up, whether it’s a man or a woman. The uncultured will find this difficult to understand, it is also in their nature, because the law of inertia is also a manifestation of the unchangeable, namely Shiva.
Something else elementary, pathological jealousy etc. are also crystallizations of the broken asymmetries, I was able to experience this cosmically a few years ago, but it is very complicated to formulate here. I have recorded it in one of my audio protocols “2024-04-28 17.30.05 (Protocol & Enlightenment – How jealousy arises β wrong partners or asymmetry break …)“.
The break can occur on many levels and dimensions, including parents, friends, the profession or divine calling, all of this and much more are part of the absolute asymmetry.
This question was induced by an unworthy person …
The year in which the idea of ββabsolute asymmetry arose must have been around 2003, plus or minus a year, although I got most of the inspiration when I was sitting in math lectures, and I also got many other ideas about artificial intelligence or the solution or defusing of the halting problem in a math lecture, although my fully formulated article on GG-Art18 is not yet complete. The thoughts are very complex, when I start to formulate them, a lot of them disappear, sometimes as if someone was deliberately erasing them with a kind of quantum eraser1, and it was also because of this disappearance of the thoughts that I had the idea, I think about 22 years ago, of developing an AI that would transcribe my thoughts into words π€£π.
[I published this article in 2016, but the fully formulated idea behind it is at least 10 years older.]
My thought was that artificial intelligence, actually it was Alan Turing who didn’t say that it was artificial intelligence because the term was only introduced later, but it was a universal program, but the way such a program works is similar to artificial intelligence, now back to defusing the problem, namely I have eliminated the paradox here in the same way that Barberβs paradox was eliminated.
My approach is that an artificial intelligence can be very powerful, even more powerful than humans on various levels of intellect, even if the machine lacks this one single gift of reflecting on itself, because humans are also only able to do this to a limited extent.
These are all just thought experiments because I have always been annoyed by how many professors just repeat what is in the books without thinking about what they are saying. I mean, I would even say that most academics have no idea what science really is.
I am passionate about topics from computer science, physics, psychology, parts of medicine in connection with artificial intelligence, etc., so in an interdisciplinary way, which is also necessary for topics like artificial intelligence, and I only have a problem with ignorance.
Important message
Last-But-Not-Least: Never think you are anonymous in the divine network, there is the divine karma system, this is untouchable, otherwise the cosmos would collapse, like the last 84 years before the Big Bang, then there is the man-made pseudo-karma system. So that you can see the numbers 84 and 85 in a cosmic context, whereby the numbers are coded in multiple dimensions. The collapse of the cosmos and the uncontrolled new beginning can be compared to a boot loop after a blue screen.
Do you know how old the current universe is according to the official scientific sources? It is around 13.81 billion years, according to Wikipedia. Put your human life or your existence in relation to it, then you will see how tiny you all are or insignificant, but the sum of your actions … not just in the last billion years.
Another important thing: Not all divine systems are constantly synchronized. This can be due to latency or they can be divinely formed. If you are together with the wrong asymmetries, even if only illusory, then divine structures will still be built for your wrong asymmetries and you, and destroyed when you separate, because everyone is also Shiva and Adi-Shakti somewhere, just on a small scale, so not congruent (definition: geometry). Only absolute purity on all levels and dimensions allows one to grow, where the ego then disappears, then one speaks of being enlightened, where there is no difference between Atman and Paramatman. This is also why Hindus talk about incarnations, even when it comes to human personalities, because they are worthy of God, but 0.000000009 β 0, so not the same, they are messengers of God or his pearls, perhaps all the others were too. It is a kind of limit formation.
If you throw the question back to incarnations like Krishna, Rama, …, then contradictions arise, because where true love reigns, there are no such thought constructs. Such thoughts arise from impurities, which are also darkness or ignorance, and above all arrogance. What are the consequences? Do you think that it affects a snail who is the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor? Perhaps only indirectly.
Why is there an upper limit, e.g. the speed of light?
Imagine that the entire cosmos would have been destroyed by the beheading of Vinayagar or the suicide of Sati, which is also the case somewhere, it is called Dosha, similar to when the motherboard of a computer has cold solder joints or the circuit boards of the motherboard, which is also the cosmos, have been damaged with a sharp object.
1 I do not use this term to coincide with the definition from quantum mechanics, but the mechanisms may be similar to those of a person suffering from anterograde amnesia, whereby the time intervals can be even shorter and manual intervention is also possible.
It is just that two or three years ago, when I was dealing with this topic from quantum physics, I was looking for a word for this matter at the same time, although according to my cosmic insight the theory in quantum physics should not be as correct as perhaps perceived or recorded by physicists.