The myths about CO2
[Last Update: 03rd May 2019]
I am concerned and was also in the past primarily concerned to enlighten the mankind. Attention, this article may contain sources and / or statements of organs (persons, committees, parties, etc.) or keywords entered in a search engine can refer to websites / blogs etc. on the Internet, which may affect the rule of law, but not stands necessarily in the interests of the rule of law.
If one looks at the video and the expert opinion of the “meeting of the environmental committee in the German Bundestag (i.e. federal parliament)”, where Prof. Lüdecke, who was invited by the AfD (right wings), then one could be blended through the whole constellations, the parts of truths in his statement or opinion which are included. Attention, this does not mean in reverse that I confirm the report and also not the opposite.
For me, this article is intended to animate you to think independently. Therefore, I will examine a lot, but not everything, from different angles, as it should be correctly in the scientific method.
It is important to understand that politics, as well as other areas, usually consciously or unconsciously rape (to exploit so. / sth.) the science to realize their goals, I noticed that almost a decade ago when I saw the contradictions and or read the unqualified or inappropriate statements in reputable newspapers and (scientific) journals.
However, I understood already in the beginning stage (this topic I’ve tangent with Erwin and Manuel P., during the return trip to home from my former employer Degen), that the procedure in the policy especially with this topic of CO2 was an educational act with scientific aftertaste – it is a kind of an instrument of politics.
A few more words about sponsorship, without judging or condemning these special circumstances. One of the (reputed) universities of the world the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) is also, I believe since its inception, mainly sponsored by the oil giant Shell or ExxonMobil. The University of Karlsruhe, where I started my studies and later finished my graduation at the Heilbronn University, has been adopting this name hype for years. In the meantime, after the Bologna Process, it is also called KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), in order to suggest to people in other countries, here prospective students, we are also elite.
True arguments
- The CO2 emission will (and can) mostly only be shifted. Analogous example: If one banishes social marginalized groups from the cities and there is the formation of slums, whereby compulsory mixing (avoiding slums) with political goals is just as counterproductive, then the problem has only been shifted but not eliminated. Your Western philosophy and approach, characterized by capitalism, that relieving the symptoms is in the foreground, but not healing the illness. This will be problematic, see my article, if other countries adopt this procedure or are indirectly forced to adopt.
- For example, AdBlue allows a reduction of the emitted nitrogen oxides (NOx), but what is the ratio? The production and provision of the associated components, materials, etc., even those that are installed in the car also beats the environment.
Attention, I do not judge the thing here. I just try to encourage you to think scientifically and independently. But also think of the shock absorber effect e.g. in free fall that can cushion it. In chemistry, it is similar, then the proportions should be weighted differently. Here, through the reduction process, a kind of cushioning effect is present (which deprives the energy) that now affects the environment differently, first locally later perhaps globally.
- For example, AdBlue allows a reduction of the emitted nitrogen oxides (NOx), but what is the ratio? The production and provision of the associated components, materials, etc., even those that are installed in the car also beats the environment.
- …
Not necessarily true arguments
- The statement of Prof. Heinz Miller on page 16 is still based on facts that would not have seen the daylight without my enlightenment. The karma of a single individual can have far-reaching consequences for the entire universe, which may not be in the human-time scale – the climate would be one of it. Partly this is comparable to the chaos theory – small changes in the starting parameters have a big impact on the final result, the butterfly effect 😉. The chaos theory finds its application from the weather to the stock market – the latter is one of your favourite pastimes or favourite playgrounds.
- …
Consequences in the enforcement of (utopian) values
What options exist if these limits are enforced in the field of freight transport, regardless of whether the limits are utopian or not.
I will explain here two different directions and the combination of them:
One can shift many things to the railways, and then one gets an economic problem that many truck drivers become unemployed and their lives and also of the families suffer as a result. This triggers more issues that may be worse than the environmental impact.
This is where the chaos theory comes into play, small changes in the starting parameter, have a big impact on the final result.
From this one should not conclude that adaptability of people to new situations should be reduced to zero. This would even contradict my philosophy or attitude, for example, to constantly evolve (education, etc.) – but the balance between asymmetry and symmetry is crucial. Then the most important factor comes, that is that individuals and certain groupings at any level that are being blackmailed. This not only acts as a damper to the well-being, growth, enhancement, etc., but mostly rather works destructive to the individual as well as to the entire collective.
People cannot think freely, regardless of the fact that free will is a topic in itself. To understand the free will, much must be understood beforehand. What most people imagine under free will is not really a free will. Some parts of the world elite acted negligently – like giving a baby a pacifier all the time, so it does not cry, and one can spend more time on something else.
Impulse generator for new technologies
The proposition can, but need not, inspire the science to create new technologies and or hybrid solutions, regardless of whether this can meaningfully justify the actual proposition ecologically and economically without the positive side effects.
The fact is that humans are unable to break physical boundaries. That an apple, when it has detached itself from the branch, falls from the tree is a law of nature. If one knows this law of gravitation, one can use it to help, to try to get around it, but for what price, that’s the question. Is the construction of castles on air useful, necessary or…?
How was it in the past
How was it in the 80s in politics and automobile industry, or in the whole cascade of artificially induced oil industry crises? Of course, the approach was not the whole truth as the world public understood the truth – but that would be a topic on itself 😉.
To cushion the crisis, one began to master the thirst of cars, in which one continued to refine certain technologies that were already known but could not really gain a foothold, not only from the technical side, but also from the economical side. It was the time when exhaust turbochargers, charge air coolers, downsizing, compressor, direct injection, variable camshaft adjustment etc. went into mass production.
World politics or the world elite (not necessarily the legislature) indirectly created framework conditions at the time, so that the automobile industry was forced, or the position of power were shown to keep the automobile industry on a short leash, but this in turn is a topic in itself.
After the saying “The need is the mother of invention” could be solved in world history. Everything that failed, there was another phrase by Charles Darwin “Survival of the fittest” which mostly picked out misinterpreted, just as the quote by Herrmann Hesse “The trueness of a story is always only that what the audience believe” indicates.
These two phrases were also used here in this sinful game created by the world’s elite, which has only brought suffering for me and for the whole world.
It is also the fact that by setting false conditions e.g. utopian values, wrong component as a means of steering people, groups, industries, etc., can force them into illegality, which has happened in the past and then to be blackmailed and or betrayed.
In addition, there are other conditions regarding security, which counteract this proposition such as framework of the EU, etc., which specify exactly where parking lights, high beams, taillights must be attached to a vehicle, which in turn not only cut the bill (reduces the possibilities) regarding aesthetics, but usually also influence the cW-coefficient of a vehicle negatively.
If in politics framework conditions for a certain criterion of a product, environment, etc. has to been created, then the existing framework conditions of other criteria of the same product, etc. must always be indispensable adjusted, which could counteract here. And also, in the case of future changes, care must be taken to ensure that all variables can harmonize with each other, so that the entire system does not falter, such as the events in recent years, have made headlines in the automotive industry.
What happened all the time throughout the world is that one start to turn a setscrew and forget the other setscrews that one has harmoniously adjusted to the whole system, which then led to fatal consequences. Most of the time this still happens under the influence of factors such as blackmailing, corruption, etc. If one let be blackmailed, then one should not be surprised if I act bestial.
Prophecies or my promises*
Part 1
The second sun for our solar system is been physically present since 08.06.2018, 12:52 PM. It does not radiate yet in the visible electromagnetic spectrum, nevertheless it has influence on many things. I have not yet been able to formulate everything precisely so that it becomes visible to ordinary people without technical aids, such as the normal sun, whose average distance to Earth is about 149 million km.
Precise formulation or partly dependent on your actions
- day / night ratio
- yearly or only partially affected
- distance to earth
- inclination of the earth axis
- Orbit geometry of all objects in the solar system
The second sun will change the climate, which means that every life form here on earth will have to adapt to new conditions or it will die out, as humanity has exemplified in the last four years 😉. Of course, the second sun also affects the rest of the planet. Will natural life be possible on other planets of our solar system sometime in the future? The things mentioned here are just a little taste, …
Part 2
Last year, exactly on 17.12.2018 at 06:34 AM I prophesied how the possible power density (economically and scientifically timely close to implement) also in one line with the new physics and the new knowledge that to be acquired.
Decisive is the weight of my VW Polo 9N or Polo 4 (silver) incl. accessories and utensils. The energy balance can be calculated considering my driving style combined with the electrical components such as radio, heating / air conditioning, etc., with the outside temperature set at 17 °C on average, the track characteristics and geological characteristics, one can take it from the last four years.
The necessary energy can be stored in 4 x 170 cm3 and the distance travelled can be estimated at 777 km. Maybe now some of you will realize what you’re all wasting. Maybe now some of you will realize what you’re all wasting away with the reluctance to fulfil my conditions 1 + 3.
* Please do not forget that my promises and / or the possibility to do it in a certain period also depend on when and how the fulfilling of my conditions 1+3 took place. Please do not forget my statement: every second that my Beauty is not in my arms, doors and gates for this world are going to close for always.
[06:35 AM Friday, April 5, 2019 → I can already feel how you start thinking about your earnings and how to split the market, but you forget the most important thing …. Conditions 1 + 3 and the common happiness of me and my Beauty.]
Apropos (profit), the divine focus is different, like the focus driven by your greed / envy / ….
It is also true that many of your intentions not only related to this, is comparable to a dog, that is trying to bite into his own tail the whole time and therefore constantly turns in circles and wonders why still could not bite. Since 2017 you are all moving in a circle, not that it was different in the past, but specifically related to the purification procedure. You have no idea what consequences this will have for the future of your children, grandchildren and for your own rebirth, if you are allowed to be born again.
If a variable X is set appropriately and in the future by manipulating another variable Y, the old variable X is affected, then it ends mostly in chaos.
You do not learn anything from your (own) mistakes and those who have learned – you make their lives unnecessarily difficult. This is not just related to the current situation with me, but this has been the case most of the time.
Think of photosynthesis 😉
My passion for automotive
Anyone who has read my articles correctly has certainly noticed my passion for the automobile and the automotive industry. Of course, this also has to do with my current incarnation (Kalki-Avatar) and related prophecies in the past, that is, before my birth.
Here are my thoughts about the sounds of different engine types
- The sound of a 2½ (2.5) liter straight six-cylinder engine as the cylinders begin to dance suggests power, protective dominance and innocence at the same time.
- The rumble of certain boxer engines reminds me of the roaring of a lion till to the roar of an elephant bull in the rutting season → so I’m describing the aggressive tone
[Please forget the messages that have been put out in the wrong place in the world regarding the reduction of certain human behaviour to sexuality, which most have adopted as true. With secret knowledge there was very much possible and there was also a lot of sinful things released into the world. But this again is a topic in itself] - The sound of a very big V8 reminds me of a dinosaur whose sound has been properly reconstructed in the film industry based on the nature and volume of a skull.
All this does not mean that I think stinking and stifling air is comfortable and I also recommends it to the world. Do not forget in general that what benefits the environment benefits every one of you too, but right now the order and dosage of critical criteria is different and had to be dynamically adjusted each time something changes. As well as any of your systems, democracy also has big disadvantages – e.g. just because something has been democratically voted, this does not mean conversely, that this must be correct. The system, which took root in Germany after the Second World War, wanted to mitigate these disadvantages and therefore e.g. the German Chancellor cannot be elected directly, but only indirectly. This type of legal system is called representative democracy.
Perhaps, if time, circumstances, etc., allow this, I will publish a pdf document summarizing the two German Bundestag sessions, including the expert opinion, and setting different focuses. Actually, I wanted to include this already in this article, then I felt how someone is trying to put these again abusive in the scene.
Further sources
All these sources are in German language
- Gutachterliche Stellungnahme zum Vorschlag für eine Verordnung … [pdf-Document, German Bundestag]
- Das Netzwerk der Klimaleugner
- Große Hoffnungen und geringe Erwartungen an die UN-Klimakonferenz [incl. Video]
- CO2-Grenzwerte für Lkw und Busse – 20.02.2019 (hib 191/2019)
- Struktur der Großkonzerne in der Erdölbranche
- ExxonMobil
- Grenzwerte für Kohlendioxidausstoß schwerer Nutzfahrzeuge in der Kritik (Video bei Mediathek des Bundestages zu finden, 20.02.2019)
- Video
- Große Hoffnungen und geringe Erwartungen an die UN-Klimakonferenz (Video bei Mediathek des Bundestages zu finden, 28.11.2018)
- Der Betrug an der Wissenschaft (YouTube)
- Was ist jetzt mit dem Kokosöl?
[Gut erklärt, wie man Statistiken richtig verstehen soll] (YouTube) - Wie korrupt ist die Psychologie, Herr Mausfeld? (YouTube)
- Rainer Mausfeld zu den „Gelbwesten“, Neoliberalismus, Migration und Elitendemokratie (YouTube)
- Das Wetter beeinflussen (3-tlg Doku, 2013 Terra X, ZDFinfo) [Zeitstempel: ca. 25min] → Wilder Planet (3/3), Stürme – Extreme Wetterphänomene nehmen auch in Europa zu
- Variabilität der Sonne • Zyklen, Magnetfelder & Sonnenflecken • Live im Hörsaal | Veronika Witzke (YouTube: Urknall, Weltall und das Leben)