From Myths to TruthPart 6

The absolute ban since Feb/2020

What do you think if there were a divine necessity that everyone could equally comply with, what would God demand?

It is important that you learn to think logically right, but this is only possible, like with a car whose track is misaligned and the geometry is no longer correct and the car is difficult to drive. This can be interpreted in a similar way with the mind and the body, and of course also on all other levels such as emotions and so on.

Also remember that an incarnation always takes place when humanity & Co. is not able to sort things out themselves, i.e. to prove that their right to exist can continue. One more thing, Hindus also use the term incarnation for enlightened people, but that is not what is meant here.

Perhaps you can also understand why, for example, in Hinduism there is this pluralistic view of the deities, which is similar to the delegation of tasks downwards, e.g. there are CEOs for certain locations, department heads, foremen, etc.

Every incarnation is not comparable, as they have different needs to be met or the needs arise for different reasons.

It was not without reason that it was expected that the planting of seeds and also the entire ritual of planting seeds and also whether this takes place artificially or naturally should all be prevented.

This was to be fulfilled by all people, in all classes, whether rich, poor, young or old, wasn’t it?

As too many cooks can spoil the food, there is also a certain hierarchy in the cosmos, which is also an order, according to the pyramid structure. These are depicted according to the three-force model, which also includes the inverted pyramid.

This is also symbolised by the Hindu Shatkona symbol. This symbol also exists in other cultures, e.g. Judaism. These three powers are called Iccha-Shakti (power of desires), Kriya-Shakti (power of creation) and Jana-Shakti (power of wisdom and knowledge).

Speaking of Kriya-Shakti, why does the word Kriya sound like the German word “kreieren”? The English word “to create” also has the same roots, doesn’t? Isn’t it surprising that such basic terms come from the Indian language area, namely Sanskrit?  

Shatkona - ShivaShakthy

Shatkona – ShivaShakthy

Last but not least, for today: There is a story in Hinduism where Parvati (the 2nd incarnation of Adi-Shakti) playfully covers Shiva’s eyes with her hands. Don’t ask if this could have happened but focus on the explanation. When one closes Shiva’s eyes, his third eye opens, which is the eye of providence and destruction. Do you understand how dangerous this is? Some did this to keep Shiva stupid, what is the cost?

Many people ask themselves why they are unhappy, but perhaps not those who use drugs and partying to distance themselves from the truth, that is, to cloud their senses, just as one must constantly take painkillers to endure the pain, and do not ask why they are in pain, that is, to investigate the cause.