Category Archives: Politics

The Enlightenment Can a half-truth be an untruth – Part 8

The Enlightenment: Can a half-truth be an untruth? – Part 8

[Last Update: 19th February 2020]

When I got this video “Immigration plunders our social system! by Mr. Jörg Schneider (AfD Group in the German Bundestag)” as a proposal from the AI was leaked to a well-known web platform, I thought, again, something to upset, then Immediately came to mind, there can be no better example for an enlightenment …

You can’t get more stupidity together in the 20 minutes. No, I shouldn’t say that 😉. I have been often convinced of the opposite in the past.

These are speeches, videos of that type, where I must get money to watch and hear it – my filters go through these and similar things mercilessly.

If he should believe his own words, then good night. Not everyone is stupid at the AfD, as everywhere, it’s about making money. The easiest way to do this is to deceive the counterpart, that can be the nation, the customers, the buyers or someone else. Every vote you win as a party means more money in the till.

Such right-wing parties are never about the interests of the people, but only about self-interest. Nowadays, it’s easy to find out who is behind such parties, and from which secret service departments they get support and why, with B2B.

I do not want to move away again here from the subject, anyone who can think can understand my statement below, and retrace:

I’ve explained similar thing already before, but I can’t think of the context in which I’ve explained it at that time. Here again a detailed, easily understandable, i.e. understandable for everyone, disclosure of the facts.

People shout here about plundering the German social / welfare system, especially the immigrants. At this point I do not want to set the focus on immigration policy, but with facts that testify to what Schneider and his cronies have said.

First of all, if I remember correctly, people do not get much cash, but only vouchers and benefits in kind, regardless of this, everyone should be aware that contrary to what most right-wing organizations and parties claim, immigrants benefit the German economy on many levels.

It are German companies that build, maintain, rent and lease the social facilities. The benefits in kind that immigrants receive, such as duvets, clothing, food, drinks etc. are again from German companies, service providers etc. Whether electricity, water etc., which immigrants also need – all of this also benefits the German economy. The immigrants have cell phones, this also benefits the German economy. All the money – at least most of the money they receive remains in this country. There is no other way and immigrants cannot live from the air either. One should also not forget that lawyers, judges etc. also must be paid for all the proceedings – mostly this is paid by the relations of the immigrant. All of this is obscured.

Many do not recognize the absolute truth, mostly only the partial truth is suggested, and also mostly wrong. Partial truth here, the immigrants cost the German state money, but the money that the immigrants receive is used again in the German economic area, this is just as true or the important part! Now the whole topic is in a completely different light relationship.

The worst thing about capital would be if it were not moved, see also my article “Wealth, an analogy with the human body” for an expanded understanding. For this reason, the low interest rates in recent years, in order to force people not to save, but to keep money constantly moving.

Also think about the VAT that the state also collects …

This applies to every country in the world, whether the USA, Great Britain etc.

Don’t forget, even stolen, broken, worn goods will bring profit to the associated industry, they have to be replaced. This in turn means more sales, more profit.

Everyone is screaming and talking about climate change right now. Unfortunately, the car industry is mostly attacked here.

Think, if it were sustainably generated everywhere, then it would bring more for the climate than speed limit, restricted area for cars, etc., everything else is a lie – a half-truth is also (mostly) a lie, because it withholds facts, so covered up and thereby distorted reality.

Who really is responsible for immigration or benefits from it should now be clear to everyone. All the countries that scream here, USA, Great Britain, Germany, Austria, (also Switzerland 😉) are due to their (world) wars, colonization, enslavement, also modern enslavement (low wages etc.) → New World Order…

Why does the United States always want to go to war everywhere? Because of terror 😉? NO!

War means money, capital, sales, profits, $$$ …

Profit not only for the war industry. Which branches of industry are directly related to it. The soldiers and people have to be taken care of, fuel for the cars, etc. – a huge money-making machine, behind the war industry … One destroys everything and rebuild 😉

It also depends on where they try to attack. If oil fields burn in the regions, then one can increase fuel prices enormously. It is again a variable in the complex economic system that can be manipulated. The more variables, the more manipulable and therefore better can be concealed1 at the same time …


1 During my time in the German Army (i.e. Bundeswehr) I did a 6-week training as an electromechanical weapons inspector for the Leopard 2 in Cologne (that was the name of the training, I think), where in one of the barracks in Cologne also the MAD, i.e. the Military Counterintelligence Service, is stationed. is only 😉 by the way.

We went on a trip through the city of Cologne, where a comrade or superior officer told me, I don’t know anymore who that was, more specifically he asked us if we know who owns the buildings, where the brothels are located. At that time, prostitution was illegal in Germany to circumvent this, the girls rented out the hotel rooms and paid the pimps the sub-rental income. Any law, prohibition can also be circumvented by legal means. You can bend any law or break it indirectly – on a legal level.

The answer to the question: The owners of the buildings was the church, … I didn’t expect this answer …

Supplementary sources

Where is the difference between own impulse and foreign impulse

Where is the difference between own impulse and foreign impulse?

[Last Update: 21th January 2018]

It is important to differentiate between the two impulses in the current situation, because the adoption of a foreign impulse as one’s own impulse (instinct etc.) and thus initiated and executed actions have of course consequences, not only social consequences (law etc.), but also beyond that – till to purification procedure.

The external or foreign impulse can be purely artificial as well as collective – the third form is a combination of the two. One should not be so naive and underestimate the foreign impulse. I’m abusing a phrase from the science of chaos theory. Actually, I’m not abusing because it was ensured that people have adopted that phrase or interpretation as correct, namely, that the wingbeat of a butterfly can trigger a tornado. The correct formulation can be found in my article “The glassy man, a devil’s work?” In the second paragraph: “The principle of chaos theory says that small changes in the starting parameters have a great impact on its result.

Anyone who wants to read more about this, can find this under the keyword “butterfly effect” e.g. in WikiPedia. The problem is that there is some information which is not in the current state of (unofficial) technology or science or it suggest false information e.g. that the weather is unpredictable and of course not influenceable. But this in turn is a separate topic – why it is suggested and who and what all benefits and who bears the damage. Of course, many other sources I have mentioned in my other articles in the past are also affected.

Now back to the topic “the wingbeat of a butterfly …”. Now let’s say you are shopping and you see a product that costs only a little and buy it out of impulse (foreign impulse). At home, you realize that you don’t need it really and put it in the storage room or throw it away, because it has not cost much and the effort to bring it back is higher. For you, perhaps it does not cause much harm at first, but what if you encourage many people with foreign impulse to do so? Do you understand what I’m trying to explain? Of course, I have chosen a harmless example here but you can take any other (complex) example and see what it does. This is an example, which seems harmless at first, but in total and over period it leads to a collateral damage. Do not forget the data gathering of certain people that makes it possible to create a profile of everyone and to optimize the foreign impulse and / or beyond that. Of course, I know the sentence “I have nothing to hide, so they can collect”. This sentence comes from a time shortly after 9/11 from one of my best friend, whom I tried to enlighten at that time 😉 about the world political situation. Believe me, he would not say it today. Of course, I have already heard this sentence from many others, in talk shows, etc., not only in the context of 9/11. Do you know the phrase “kill two (or more) birds with one stone”? I have mentioned this several times in my articles.

More information will come through the other channels as usual, and perhaps I will successively continue this article later…

Complementary articles

Parties and their aims

Parties and their aims

Sometimes it is difficult to choose the right party in the current situation. But if one look at the appearance of the candidates on the TV, it is easy to separate the wheat from the chaff. In Germany one speaks of indirect elections because one does not elect the chancellor candidates directly, but he or she is elected by the members of the Bundestag.

One sees whether the candidate for the chancellor, places the interests of the people in the foreground or the own interests, in other words primarily to secure the welfare of one’s own party. The money from the large pot is later distributed to the parties as they are represented on a percentage basis. To recognize the interests of the candidate, it is an important criterion to separate the wheat from the chaff.

I have recently watched the appearance of a candidate of a small party on television, which in her appearance shows that she does not focus the interests of the people in this nation. Especially in the case of the right-wing populist parties and / or the parties who try to create and to use the voters’ fears, it is easy to see that it will never be a question of the welfare of the people in this nation, it is more “If you help me now, I will help you later”. But from whom is help awaited and whom is the candidate thankful? The people of this nation or those who have made the fires?

Willy Brandt’s deeply moving knee fall was one of the most important signs that has been understood by ordinary people or the true victims – I was really impressed or in other words it touched really my heart as I saw it during my political research on the television at the beginning of this century. My father, who is also very interested in politics, has already spoked about this in the 80s. I can still remember from my childhood, which enthusiasm has triggered this and other things by my father.

I only hope that in this days, where much is entangled, people of this nation make the right decision. Not to vote is also counterproductive as to vote for the wrong ones.

Fraternity – disclose the secret

Fraternity – disclose the secret

[Last Update: 27th August 2017]

I’m introducing here the three most important fraternities. All other fraternities are descended or are in the influence of these three. One of the origin or the root of all is the fraternity, where also the first American president George Washington, the 44th president Barack Obama and the former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt are members – these are the so called Freemasonry. On the second place are the Illuminati and the third fraternity with the name Skull & Bones is closely followed. All the elites of this world and those who consider themselves as elite 😉 belongs to these groups. The former President Bush Junior, as well as Bush Senior or the former Secretary of State John Kerry of the United States or the currently acting President Trump or the current Turkish President Erdogan belongs to the Skull & Bones. The Royal Society, where there are many distinguished scientists like Stephen Hawking are member of it. This Royal Society is again part of the Illuminati. One can say that all the world elite belongs in any form to these three.

Of course, even simple people are part of these fraternity, which are more or less used as simple organs or sensors, such as eye, ear, etc. They are anchored in the middle of the normal society.

Color theory, coding and camouflage

Color theory, coding and camouflage

The terms “color theory and coding” should be now clear to everyone (at least those who have read my other article), but for the most the term “camouflage” will be strange, unless one is from the military 😉. Camouflage is by Oxford dictionary described as to hide something. In computer science, it is a software which can hide any file in another file. For example, a Word document file is disguised as a JPG image file. One needs two files, for example, Word document file to be hidden and a JPG image file in which the other file is hidden. If you double-click this file, this file will be opened as an image file. Only those who are aware of the hidden file can do something with it.

Here are some examples with explanations

Example 1

Let’s take the Telecom color magenta, it consists of 50% blue portion and 50% red portion. When it is in RGB-Hex encoded, like the colors in WWW are mostly coded, then it looks as follows RGBHex (FF, 0, FF).

Example 2

Now we take a closer look at one of the main colors of the auto brand AUDI. According to the corporate design of the company it is defined as CMYK (0/100/80/5), see page 32 of the above PDF document. Now we apply some arts from the field of camouflage 😉:

The magenta value is 100 according to the CMYK specification. From the RGB coding we know that this is 50% blue and 50% red. According to the CMYK specification, the value Y (Y stands for “Yellow”) is also assigned and it is indicated with 80. If one correctly put all this together, one can extract the following information:

  • Blue = 40%
  • Red = 40%
  • Yellow/Green = 20%

Sentence 1:
Because mostly everything is derived from blue, the number 5 is the key value.

Sentence 2:
Because everything is derived from blue, the number 5 is the key value.

Can both sentences be true at the same time? Yes, they can. You just need to know the context.

The human perception of colors

Colors do not actually exist in the physical sense. They only arise in our brain. In the physical sense, colors are only reflection and absorption of light with specific wavelength. Part of the light are absorbed by the irradiated body and other parts are reflected. The colors black and white are not even considered as a color in the classical sense, in the physical sense one define something as black when everything is absorbed and the impression of white arises through the complete reflection.

The bees, for example, perceive the colors quite different as the human being, see this article “…The photo-receptivity of the “eyes” of other species…”

One should perhaps, not specifically in this context, but in general, deal with the Hindu concept of “Maya” (மாயை). This is very important, in order to understand the Absolute Truth.

By the way

In Hinduism, the color blue stands for Shiva and Vishnu. Another name for Shiva is NilaKandan [நீலகண்டன்] (nila [நீலம்] = blue and kanda [கண்ட] = part). Krishna is shown with blue skin tone.

Shiva’s third eye should also be known to everyone, at least the Blue origin group knew this. This sign can also be found in various other places. The number five is also for Shiva, the Blue origin group also knew this – the others also, but they won’t accept it in the public.