Category Archives: Misc

Wealth, an analogy with the human body

Wealth, an analogy with the human body

[Last update: 22nd March 2018]

What has the economy to do with the human body, would someone ask. One should know that the nature is better in many aspects than the human mind will ever be able to perform the works, especially if mankind have not grown out as primates and still behave like them.

Nature shows us how to make things better. For example, facade paints, where the effect has been imitated from the lotus flower which repel dirt; Sonar* of dolphins for locating –  e. g. this is used in submarines. Eels release electricity comparable with batteries, which converts chemical energy into electrical energy etc.

As everyone knows, blood must be pumped through the entire body so that every organ can maintain its functions. In certain situations, the blood will be mainly pumped only to necessary organs, e. g. when we eat and the food must be digested, then the blood sinks into the stomach. We are in danger and we must flee, then the muscles are better soaked through blood. An extreme case: we are exposed to the cold and we freeze, the blood is systematically switched off from external body sets, such as toe, fingers etc. and the blood circulates only through the necessary internal organs such as heart, lungs etc.

It is the same with economics. The flow of money is equated with the flow of blood. It is possible to systematically and controllably circulate the flow of money in upper floors, so that the labor force, which mainly generates the money, is leached. This has no longer to do with wealth. Wealth is when the money flows through the whole stages equally, just as the blood in the human body which provides all organs with nutrients. If wealth prevails, then the people have a basis for life, otherwise it is only a survival struggle. If wealth decrease, then crime will increase at the same time. People then become beasts and there is nothing left of the civilized culture. All these are already known in the upper floors; It is only consciously instrumentalized. Another tactic is to keep the people fool, so that they do not ask questions and do not interfere with one’s own interests in the upper floor. This is comparable with a crying baby which gets a soother/dummy. This tactic is also recognizable in a time of wealth. Replace the soother/dummy with cars, pleasure houses, drugs, alcohol etc., then you’ll understand what I’m trying to explain. Of course, there is nothing wrong with great cars, I myself love cars, but what I want to say is that they try to shift the focus. The whole industries, from pharmaceutical industry, the weapon industry to the banks, are interwoven with one another, or it is a devilish marriage. Therefore, lot of things are hidden until the day of judgement. The term judgement in the previous sentence can be interpreted in classical, as well as in religious sense.


* Difference between sonar and radar:
The sonar is about acoustic waves, just as when breaking the sonic barrier with a jet. Radar is based on electromagnetic waves (EM waves). This should not be mixed or interchanged. Acoustic waves need a medium such as air. EM waves, on the other hand, need no medium to be transmitted, otherwise the satellites in space would not work either. Since there is almost vacuum in interstellar space – the temperature is almost at the absolute zero point. The absolute zero point is defined as zero Kelvin, which is -273 °C in our unit. The temperature in the interstellar space is about 2 Kelvin that is -271 °C degree. Zero Kelvin or -273 °C degree is the coldest temperature, there is nothing below. The absolute zero point: zero Kelvin or -273 °C degree, can never be reached practically. The light, which is an EM-wave in the classical physics (see also the topic of wave-particle duality), reaches its maximum velocity of 299,792,458 m/s in vacuum. This is also the maximum speed to be achieved in theory at all. There is nothing faster than the light in physics.

Further sources and literature

  • TV-Show:
  • Der Sieg des Kapitals: Wie der Reichtum in die Welt kam: Die Geschichte von Wachstum, Geld und Krisen (you can buy this by: Weltbild.De)
    [Translated: The Victory of Capital: How wealth came into the world: the history of growth, money and crises]
  • Bourgeoisie (retrieved on 07th January 2018, Wikipedia)



Warning irony!

Achtung Ironie = Warning irony!

The author or the holder of the domain name is not responsible for the misinterpretation of the posted contents here. Every reader is self-responsible for the resulting damage 😉

When God enters the marriage with the devil

When God enters the marriage with devil

[Last Update: 31st October 2017]

Currently I’m reading a book that is very easy and quick to read. I won’t comment it, everyone should do this secretly 😉.

Book in German language:

At the first sight it may sometimes appear that the headings are not in line with the corresponding content perhaps even contradict them. The contradiction decays when one understands the whole! Sometimes (the absolute) truth could exist behind the truth but it is not always the case!

Dissolving part 1

Maybe the heading has confused one or the other. God and devil are here metaphorically for the good and the bad in this world. In Hinduism there is no counterpart to God. He is the one and only highest instance overall.

To minimize the damage in the world one has entered this kind of marriages, the so-called forced marriages. These marriages have names like joint venture, subsidiary companies etc. in the corporate sense. This kind of marriages or structures are not only in companies, they are everywhere such as public authorities, clubs, government organizations, media, etc. Where they have not mainly entered a mixed marriage are domains like such as criminal organizations.

If the corporate interest groups took effect on politics they were called lobbyists. The word lobbying now has a new meaning through this awareness training/educational work.

One should now also be able to better understand topics such as “New World Order“.

The awareness training is not intended to break the belief in the system of justice or to the only true thing – the divine/godly – but it should awake people from their sleep or eliminate their naivety.

For the devils and the helpers of the devils, there is no place in this world or anywhere else in the universe. But a place if one may so call it where their Atmans are suffering/will suffer for the infiniteness.

In spite of all it should be clear to everyone that of course not all people were involved in this matter. There are also people who has believed in the past and still believes in a true system of justice. The best example are those who are fighting at the side of the Divine.


  1. This is not only an awareness training, primarily a clean-up work in the now ending Kali-Yuga. The end of the end is reached.
  2. I have deliberately not set the link above to New World Order as follows:
    1. New World Order (conspiracy theory)
    2. but as follows:New world order (politics)
  3. The term Atman as linked to the definition by oxford dictionary is not the entire Hindu definition. It is only approximately defined.
  4. Of course there are not only mixed marriages as stated in the heading. There are also pure marriages from the above mentioned groups. The third form of marriage should also be mentioned: These are between those who were independent from the other twos or they believed it. This third form will have to decide for one of the two ways or groups or has already decided it …
    Everyone is responsible for his decisions and its consequences and can’t escape from its responsibility.
  5. The word God which is used in the title as a metaphor for the good, should not be confused with the formulation later in the text: … the only true – the divine –
  6. We are currently in the year 2016 according to the Gregorian calendar/standard calendar – according to the Tamil Hindu Panchangam we are in the (year) Kali Yuga 5117.

Dissolving part 2

Actually, the title here should have been named as follows:

“When angels (m/f) enter marriages with devils (m/f)”. Many legends from Christianity are nothing more than coded historical events. Much has been embedded in religion, so that it has triggered some false suggestion or still does. It is also important to investigate more closely the topic of witches (burning of witches), how to understand it, and whether there are many intrigues behind it. How can one bring the whole thing together with the current happenings? Is it the history of blue, red, green or what color they have adopted to represent? Of course, such techniques were not possible before the discovery of electricity. Apropos electricity, take a look to the whole patent wars since electricity.

There is only one God (omnipotence → ther is no counterpart), no matter how he is called in different religions. The purification procedure will show this! Anyone who thinks that this is just a technical procedure definitely has no idea about the science, regardless of whether one have any academic titles (Dipl., B.Sc., M.Sc., Dr., …) or double – / triple titles before his or her name.

Where hate is sown, one cannot expect (reap) love. It will be important to understand this, especially during the purification procedure.

From the current occasion, what I already said/wrote in 2011/2012 at the first official start (second official start: beginning of 2015):

  • Ideology: The fight is an instrument to achieve an ideology. When during the fight, the fight becomes to the ideology, one has missed the actual/real goal.

The Metamorphosis … [from end of Sept. / Oct. 2017]

  • Demo and / or own outflow
    • Demo → no mark of the wound; warning: not in false sense of security!
    • Demo own outlflow → will be mark of the wound; but be carefull, no upper limits, if further actions!
    • own outflow → … no comments required
    • no demo → warning: not in false sense of security!

⟹ I’ve changed the rules today (03 Oct. 2017). There is blur/uncertainty, so no conclusion is possible. Demo will be anyway! Try to understand this article “Sacrifice offering and the true meaning“! Primary it was intended to divide the divine from the technical and not to improve the tactics.

⟹ The divine power provides for enlightenment, but the technical for confusion.

Staus of: October 2017
Approximately 7 billion of a total of 18 billion eliminated ↔ number of elimination gives no conclusion about overall progress. We are at the end ↔ but again no false conclusions.

Means for the purpose, if not (more) →

  • Cannibalism

Here are two of the most influential clans or families:

  • Bilderberger
  • Rothschild

The Metamorphosis à la Franz Kafka

The Metamorphosis à la Franz Kafka

[Last Update: September 15th, 2021]

The trueness of a story is always only that what the audience believe. (Quote by Hermann Hesse)

Another way to interpret this quotation: Sometimes people see only what they want to see and not that what they really see. What is the truth now about a story, what the listener wants to believe or is there a truth above all – the absolute truth – think about this! 

Addendum: 09:35 Wednesday, September 15th, 2021

I just happened to see the documentary “Das Abenteuer der Manuskripte (3v4) – Der Vertrauensbruch hinter Kafkas ‘Der Prozess’” on Arte‘s YouTube channel.

What I personally found interesting is that the only document from Kafka, which is kept in Germany, more precisely, in the Marbach literature archive, according to this documentation film is, his work with the title “The Trial” which is also unfinished, and the description that Kafka does not understand the worldthat is the humanity“. Perhaps this was the view of the divine 😉.

At the moment, or for several years now, I am also doing the trial against humanity in Germany. It is also called "The Day of Judgment".

What I also found interesting is the number 161, which is mentioned in one of the articles in the FAZKafkas ‘Prozess’ in Marbach: Unergründliche Ordnung“.

My first post, understanding the new world

My first post, understanding the new world

[Last Update: 15th July 2017]

This web presence is primarily to keep my thoughts written down. It is public, but still private. The impulses of my thoughts have different goals or in other words they have different motives – I’ll try to channeling them.

For current reason, I would like to keep a sentence without going philosophically into the depths:

  • Distraction is one of the political tactic, to conceal people (the mankind / …) from the real problem

Last but not least, some nice quotations from eminent personalities:

  • Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
    (Benjamin Franklin)
  • The truth in a story of a history is always what the listener believes.
    (Hermann Hesse)