Category Archives: Misc

My political education

My political education

[Last Update: 15th August 2017]

Politics was the last domain of knowledge which I had dealt with. I have begun to deal with it intensively, first in the new century as I was already in the developing phase of an adult, shortly after my teenage phase, that the non-dealing with it, is even counterproductive for my personal development, as well as for my education. This domain of knowledge was, according to my conviction, not justifiable with (my) philosophy. Politics had for me the taste of intrigue, machinations, corruption etc., thus Machiavellian, whereby the eponym Niccolò Machiavelli may not be responsible for this kind of negative association of his name.

Something important about my person: The only domain so far, where I got an academic degree, is computer science (specialized in software engineering) with the final grade 1.3 (very good). Of course, I gained additional knowledge in this field also through autodidactic performance, but in all other fields, such as philosophy, physics, technology, psychology, etc., the acquisition of knowledge was only autodidactically possible. Now perhaps the one or the other wonders why psychology. I began with psychology at the end of the last century, because I was very irritated by the way people behaved, because their behavior was not my own or of the people I knew. I looked for scientific explanations for these behaviors, later I started also with neurosciences. Of course, dealing with this knowledge domain also had advantages in other fields, from computer science to politics, etc., but this is a separate topic!

Knowledge is fundamentally important – but please do not confuse it with “who is eloped with whom” 😉, this kind of curiosity, does not have to do with the knowledge curiosity. It is even counterproductive, so at least in excess 😉. Why is knowledge fundamental important? So, that what has happened in the world is not repeated again!

For this reason, here some few sources, to be able to deepen one’s knowledge in the field of politics and history:

The list here, I will add on my other website (Dhivyah.Com) too, but adding more sources and links will be proceeded only there! Why I run two websites has didactic reasons!

I can, of course, write all the articles of my website in a scientific style. Firstly, we all do not have the time, and secondly, I cannot reach everyone in this way because it will deter them! If you want to have it, then you must do this by your own or as a collective. I will show here on my website “GG-Art18 – The Imperative” only the connections / associations and some ways to achieve it.

Apropos GG-Art18 stands for Article 18 of the German constitutional law1. What the definition of the term “the imperative” is, should be clear for everyone in the meantime 😉.

My first attempts to walk with the rule of law

My first attempt to walk

Like every German citizen, I was compelled to military service and was recruited in 1999 for it. Since I wanted to get to know the German armed forces more closely, it was OK for me. After my basic training, I was assigned to the company for maintenance. For this I was trained in Cologne as an electromechanical weapon inspector for the panzer Leopard II and returned to my old casern 363 in Külsheim near Tauberbischofsheim.

For every military worker, there is a specific amount for additional qualifications provided, which can be used by everyone. So, it came to the way that I took part in few computer science courses, like e. g. C++ course. For this additional qualification, special leave could be applied so that one does not have to make use of the normal annual leave. Since the legal text was formulated in such a way that the special leave can be granted but not must, so my application was unfortunately rejected by the company. Since I have not been satisfied with the decision to interpret the legal text in this way, I have applied in writing to the Commissioner of defense, Mrs. Claire Marienfeld, I thing. So, it came to that, that my application was granted by Mrs. Claire Marienfeld.

For me it was not aware at that time, that I would draw a lot of attention.

My second attempt to walk

The second major project, where I single-handedly exhausted the resources of the rule of law, thus without a lawyer and the help of others, was for my daughter’s family name.

To understand the whole thing, the following background information should be known: My former wife had Sri Lankan citizenship and the marriage was carried out in Sri Lanka because, according to the Hindu tradition, the wedding ceremony is held in the place of the bride.

Hindus do not3 have a family name in the classical way or understanding, as it is the case nowadays with Christians and other religious members. The focus is on the word nowadays, but in the early time, I thing up to the 15th century, it was just as with the Hindus. The unofficial variant of the introduction of the family name could have had indirect to do with the current enlightenment work, but this again is a separate topic.

So, it came to, that my wife had my personal name (first name) as her family name. The Hindu tradition line is based on the patronymic naming. The personal name (first name) of the father or of the husband is the family name of the children or of the wife. According to the German law text, this is called “Namenskette” can be translated as “cname chain” and the term “family name” is not correct.

Until the birth of my daughter (21st September 2006) it was self-evident to me that I would lead the name as this is usual in the Hindu tradition. Unfortunately, the authority in Bad Friedrichshall, which is responsible for issuing the birth certificate, saw this differently and so the case landed by the local district court of Heilbronn. The local district court of Heilbronn judged it for the benefit of the public officer from the authority in Bad Friedrichshall, so I had filed an objection. Then the case went to the next legal authority, to the regional court of Heilbronn and there I got my justice and there I got my justice and so the birth certificate was issued after almost five months of fighting on 16th February 20074. All this I had to do it on my own and acquiring the juridical knowledge myself too. This was a huge challenge for me, because there were parallel other things which have been to do. It is a very different league to represent myself by the court without a lawyer, rather than the complaint made by the Commissioner of defense.


Why I am writing all this is, that in spite of the current situation and the enlightenment, one should not lose the hope in the rule of law. A good education is absolutely necessary, so that one is not taken for a ride by a public officer, authorities or anyone else – unless one has the financial capacity to compensate this 😉!

This article should not be interpreted as a call to overload the courts, with complaints such as “My neighbor’s apple tree throws its fruits on my property or similar” 😉. The laws have been made for a living with each other and not for a living against each other!

In my first attempt to walk, I was concerned that a law should not be interpreted to the detriment of the weak, and in the second attempt to walk, I was concerned to preserve the rights anchored in the German Constitution so that one’s own culture or religion is not assimilated, just by accepting the German citizenship.

In the meantime, I know that the targeted devilish struggle, which has lasted for more than 17 years of my life, is slowly throwing off its fruits and is not a hindrance to pending reunification. Apropos the devilish struggle, I have only been able to correctly allocate it in the year of 2010. My previous attempts at explanation were partly doomed to failure.


1 English translation of this law:
Who tries to combat the freedom of expression in particular the freedom of the press (Article 5.1), academic freedom (Article 5.3), freedom of assembly (Article 8), freedom of association (Article 9), privacy of correspondence, posts and telecommunications (Article 10), the property (Article 14), legislation on asylum (Article 16a)2, against the free democratic basic order, losses these fundamental rights. The forfeiture and its extent are pronounced by the Federal Constitutional Court.

2 Looks like as if it was guided by God’s hand and not the product of the 209 years’ search. Without this law, I wouldn’t be here 😉 my dear beauty74.

3 There is a similar construct, it is called Gotra

4 Divine intervention. Apropos Dhivyah (திவ்யா) also mean divine (திவ்யம்)

Latest and past news from politics, culture and science

Latest and past news from politics, culture and science

[Last Update: 27th January 2018, Page 4 → SPD]

Diesel scandal – Part 1

Regardless of the situation, or rather how the topic perhaps is to be understood for the world publicity, the government cannot burden or punish the people/folk. The duty of the government is to represent the interest of the people and to protect them, and not only to protect the interests of a few who believe to be almighty and have thus also positioned themselves with their technical and material wealth in the society. Almighty is not (only) pointed to the automobile industry, many entered marriages are mixed marriages as you already know or and partial Gentlemen’s Agreement.

If the government pass a law for driving prohibitions or similarly burdensome, this will primarily hit hard the grass roots, which are already burdened by the current situation. Regardless of who decides – how and for whom, should the almighty be sure that the Day of Judgement is in progress – perhaps it’ll end in the total destroying of everything. To search for alternative ways, which in turn burdens the same people, would be foolish.

By the way

Just because officially some people carry out a (verbal) fight, it does not mean that they must be enemies – perhaps they are friends 😉.

Just because someone says that he is not green, it doesn’t mean that he is not green, see this video (by timecode: ca. 4min). It is unfortunately quite vulgar – actually it is already ordinary, but anyway it is important to understand the techniques of those evils and their helpers. You must sign in to YouTube with your Google Account, then you can watch this video because the language is not recommended for all ages. Do not worry about the login process, regarding this video!

Here is another article (sadly only in German language), where green in the double pack seems not green.

GreenYellow, see RGB and three primary colors (blue, red, yellow) 😉*LOL*.

But mathematically → Contradiction! 😉

  • Equation 1 → ColorSpace = X1*Red + X2*Yellow + X3*Blue,
    where X1, X2 and X3 are variables

    • Important NOTE:
      If X1, X2 and X3 constants, then it is not a color space, only a color
  • Equation 2 → ColorSpace = Y1*Red + Y2*Green + Y3*Blue,
    where Y1, Y2 and Y3 are variables

    • Important NOTE:
      If Y1, Y2 and Y3 constants, then it is not a color space, only a color

→ X1*Red + X2*Yellow + X3*Blue ≠ Y1*Red + Y2*Green + Y3*Blue

Mixed marriages – One can also encode like this 😉 – but one do not have to

  • RGB Code für die Farbe Magenta50% Blau + 50 % Rot = Magenta,
    oder RGBDez(255; 0; 255) → RGBHex (FF; 0; FF)

Last but not least

மருண்டவன் கண்ணுக்கு இருண்டதெல்லாம் பேய்

Translated, it means:
Someone who is afraid, sees in the darkness everywhere ghosts.
Someone who is afraid, sees in the dark only ghosts.

I think an explanation is not necessary 😉.

Because some cannot interpret this simple sentence correctly. Here is the correct interpretation in the above context: Not everything must be encoded (in this way), see also the following sentence: “Blue does not always …

The Enlightenment Manipulability of people (Part 6)

The Enlightenment: Manipulability of people (Part 6)

It should be clear to everyone that if one knows the laws of physics, one can also make use of it. We start with simple things, e. g the aircraft. How can a plane fly? For this, one must know that the gravitational force of a planet is the reason that all material (mass) is pulled down to the earth. In reverse conclusion, this means for the take-off of a flying object, that the earth’s gravitational force must be overcome. How this exactly works can be read in technical literature or the Internet. I am primarily concerned with the clarification, to keep everything as simple as possible, since the information here is designed for a wide range of readers. For this reason, I have created an article titled “No Words …“, where the most is explained with pictures. Because the human being is primarily a visual being and therefore to understand the information in images quicker than in a text form. To get the same effect one needs multi-page text. Unfortunately, one cannot abstract everything so that can be explained in pictures. Sometimes images make more sense, but not always. For texts, there are also different writing styles, such as parable, irony, satire, metaphor, etc. These styles must be applied so one get this message correctly, when the other unofficial channel is not enough for the flow of information 😉.

Just as one can influence certain things in nature, if one knows the laws of physics, it is the same with the human psyche: from influencing our buying decisions to ozone, climate, etc. The problem is that people with less education can be manipulated easily – the educated people also does not look much better. Most of them have only (some) knowledges in their own fields, if at all. Society was disinformed and left in the belief that everything evolved from an evolutionary process, or is a natural crystallization, which does not correspond to the absolute truth.

The example shown here with the airplane is something positive. There is, of course, the downside, where much is done that does not serve the benefit of mankind, but only a few.

An example of how a group has tried to influence people by making use of the laws of the human psyche will be explained below. To understand this, one should first understand the following thing:

The image sequences of a film, we identify it as a movement because our brain is no longer able to recognize this as a single image caused by the high rates – measured as “images per seconds”. I thing that about minimum 16-20 frames per second is necessary, so that it is not perceived as a result of single image sequences – this is advertised in the TV segment as frame frequency with the unit Hertz. Most of you have a Full-HD TV with 1080p (not to be confused with 1080i), the TV also shows only a sequence of single pictures, but our brain does not take it as a sequence of single images as a result of high frame rates.

Why the long run-up or knowledge over several fields are necessary, should be clear to everyone after reading the below information: Coca-Cola brand of the Coca-Cola Company, which produces a world-renowned soft drink. In some films in the cinema theatre some images of the film have been replaced with Coca-Cola images. Since the human being can not consciously perceive the image sequence as a single image caused by the high frame rates as mentioned above. The focus is on the word consciousness. The hidden images, however, are to be perceived subconsciously and thus trigger a desire for Coca-Cola. Officially it is said that it never took place so in this form, see this article “subliminal advertising“. Or another example from everyday life, why are the sweets in the supermarket at the checkout? If you go shopping, you must go with your kids to this station. Or why are the things in the supermarket re-sorted after a renovation? The customers must search and discover the other objects of desires too. If you go shopping purposefully, you do not perceive the other things.

The latter examples are things that may even be obvious to everyone, but this knowledge has been transferred into the subconscious and has fallen into oblivion. The example with the gazelle herd in my article (first section, last part) is based on similar psychological principles, as in the previous sentence.

One should also take a closer look at the patent warfare from the penultimate century to the present time. What are the effects of patent warfare? How is the link between getting justice and being right? In whose hands are certain branches fallen due to patent wars? How have these clans evolved over the last few centuries and have took other branches of the economy under their wing, or have entered marriages (civil and economic)? Look at times from the beginning of the electricity, oil, pharmaceutical industry to finance, their connections and their historical developments and how the company structures are now. What happens when the initiator of a company accidentally dies of cancer or other illnesses or does some people take their lives with an overdose? Are these things coincidences 😉? Who has advantages? What happened after that? What are the possibilities to destabilize people, families, companies, states, union of states (e. g. European Union), etc.? What are the benefits of this and for whom and how? How can one bring all the subjects mentioned above to their knees, perhaps with terror? What roles do intelligence services and their helpers, which are partly operating independently of the central unit, having in this entire context? What is TTIP & Co. and who takes advantages thereby – the customers, who are the normal people? No, the most dangers crystalize or come to the daylight even years and decades later!

All these should be clear to everyone who wants to be enlightened and not want to manipulated by them!

Similar and additional posts

The Enlightenment Conspiracy theories and conspiracies (Part 3)

The Enlightenment: Conspiracy theories and conspiracies (Part 3)

In my article “The world’s oldest war weapon” I wrote, that one must keep distance from conspiracy theories because it is poison to the mind. This is still true, but in this post I will illustrate how to solve this mystery, being save from the danger at the same time.

The problem with the whole thing is, the dualism that prevails in our world – the good and the evil. Both were equal in the technical state, knowledge, wealth, influence, etc. The good-natured organs and their helpers have sought and tried different ways to enlighten the mankind. From normal literature to song lyrics, music, various (conspiracy) theories, etc. Unfortunately, there is still this opposite pole, which try to confuse everybody.

A pictorial description for a better illustration. One tries to convince the early humanity, which do not know how to make fire, with a demonstration of making fire. There is now the other group, which pours water over the fireplace, so that no fire can arise. This group does not want to give the art of fire-making to the mankind. One can apply this pictorial description to the conspiracy theories. A theory of enlightenment is born, at the same time, opposite theories are made, which make everything to nothing. If one now reads all the theories or only a few, then one is confused and or one stamps them all negatively as conspiracy theories.

I have specifically chosen this theory to make a real picture of the technical development of the past 125 years. The mankind was not so technically powerful at that time, as perhaps it was suspected by misinterpretation (also from my articles).

It is one of the most famous theories: Were the Americans, as the world (also the American people) believes in 1969 on the moon?

Unfortunately, there are enough arguments against it. From the photo camera that under the atmospheric pressure of the moon, is not able to shoot photos up to the difficult mathematical operations, which brings such a moon landing with itself. That with the camera was even an official statement of Kodak, the world market leader at that time, but now no more 😉 – what could be the reason?

Just for comparison, the mobile phone nowadays has a main processor and many other co-processors. If you compare the mobile phone (a Samsung Galaxy S7 or an iPhone 7 from Apple) and compare this with the Apollo 11 rocket and then even the equipment on the ground station of the earth, the mobile phone will still win. You may laugh, but that was the technical possibility at the time of the moon landing. You may wonder why I wrote in my other articles that much was discovered in the next-to-last century. The incident discovered by chance even suggests a complex technology. But this is not a contradiction. The automobile or the hippomobile was also discovered in the next-to-last century. Because we now can understand the technique, it is not a witchcraft 😉 for us. But if this had been hidden from the mankind, and only now came to the daylight, your reaction would be similar. One would think it is a witchcraft. But for technologies, which should not be officially known, there wouldn’t be any whitepapers, documentations, books, etc. You must have a lot of know-how to understand the technology, across many disciplines – also disciplines such as politics, economics etc. are helpful.

Why politics, back to our conspiracy theory. How were the situation at that time of the moon landing? The Russians were the first in space. How was the economic situation at this time? America has passed the second world war, the Vietnam War was at this time, and so many other things that burdened the state’s budget. It is not so easy to finance space research with its many failures. But one still have to save the face. The encroachment on the moon is psychologically important in many aspects, see also my quotation from the article “My first post, understanding the new world” → Distraction is one of the political tactic, to conceal people (the mankind / …) from the real problem.

Anyone who has dealt with the jurisprudence knows the expression circumstantial evidence. Circumstantial evidence in the legal sense is, when it can be logically concluded from several facts to the proofing main matter.

If something like the moon landing can be refuted with evidence, then it has enormous consequences on the credibility of the country. This would put an avalanche of other dangers in motion. This is one of the reasons why something like this is quickly swept under the carpet, even by people who understand it technically and factually.

But one should not conclude that the Americans were never on the moon – this would be unwise. They have left their country flags and other utensils there, so that mankind will not doubt its credibility, but first many years later 😉.

The Enlightenment Injited, induced rivalries (Part 2)

The Enlightenment: Injited, induced rivalries (Part 2)

[Last Update: 04th November 2017]

I have already mentioned several times that the quarrels are show, also in my last article “Intelligence apparatus and the secrets – Part 1“, but the violence is still real. I try to describe the psychological as well as the technical possibilities in more detail and how to influence and manipulate people without their knowledge. Many from the hip-hop scene knew the conflicts between the West and the East Coast in USA. This was of course a staged show and real at the same time. For whom was it a show and for whom reality? It was real for the participants and for all who followed it e. g. the fan community. Only for a handful of people it was a show. They have made materially profit out of it, but not everyone who has made a profit out of it must have actively participated, because the organs of groups act and also have to act independently from the central unit. One should be aware of one thing, that if one conduct everything from the top instance to bottom, one will take risk of being uncovered and exposed. It is no longer possible to wear the White West for a specified time. But only for a specified time, because the humans are in many aspects similar to animals. You have perhaps seen in animal documentation when a herd of gazelles at the lake, quench their thirst, and suddenly a predator begins to hunt then the herd try to flee. After the predator, has torn and distorted one gazelle, the herds come back again as if nothing had happened. Of course, this filtering of the atrocity is for the survival of the herd necessary. The people who wears white west knows how this natural psychological filtering works.

Why is it difficult for even the participants to recognize this kind of staging? First, never violate the law of causality (mostly silent attack), the technical as well as the psychological injections melds  into the natural circumstances. What does it mean here not to violate the causality? There were already rivalries, which have crystallized through earlier circumstances. Even the circumstances can and may have been the result of deliberate and unconscious manipulations of the past. Unconscious means that this effect was not intended, but one can make profit out of it. The social structure of mankind is also (only) a complex formula, as well as that of a weather.

With artificial injections, for example by external stimulation of the amygdala one can bring someone to explosion. The injection does not necessarily have to be permanent, a small impulse is sufficient at the appropriate time, the rest is done by the dynamics. The time of the injection must be appropriate, so that the exploding person does not perceive it as an external injection, and it must match to the temperament of a person.

I have chosen the hip-hop scene here for the explanation, but the procedure is the same or similar in every other area or scene whether it is the film industry, designers, cosmetics etc.

One can and should also transfer the knowledge shown here to other human traits, for example, what happens when the sexual hormones get into hurry. Perhaps the social and cultural metamorphoses is not positive as expected and the result of the progressive mind – but this is a separate topic on its own, to explain this in a few sentences would be even counterproductive.

Example – Make a profit, wanted and unwanted

If there are many diseases in the world, then the doctors, the pharmaceutical industry and everything in this chain will profit. Markets are beeing created here. This cannot and should not be concluded that this is so wanted by all doctors, I hope you understand what I mean.

The final

During the purification procedure, it will not be of any interest whether some parts of the organs and their helpers, which are in the sinking ship, get clarified through the enlightenment. But this should not lead to the conclusion that one can and should continue on the same way – this would be foolish.

Of course, there have been and are still good-natured organs and helpers that have tried everything possible to protect the mankind from such atrocities until the purification procedure. This should also be clear to everyone, otherwise it would have assumed other dimensions.

Some part of the good-natured organs as well as of the devilish organs knew decades and centuries before that of the beginning of a purification procedure in the present Kali-yuga.

Tamil proverb

ஊரு ரெண்டு பட்டா
கூத்தாடிக்கு கொண்டாட்டம்.


When a village divides,
the dancer will be happy.


If a village get divided caused by a conflict, then the dancer will be happy. Because there will be two folk festivals, where he can dance. His profit will be doubled.

The Tamil word koothadi (கூத்தாடி) has also another meaning in the figurative sense: A person who threads intrigues.

Complementary and further sources