Addendum to Entropy

Reference: From Myths to Truth – Part 10

Urknall, Weltall und das Leben – Mysterium Entropie: das Rätsel der Physik (Harald Lesch & Axel Kleidon) [22.12.2024]
EN: Urknall, Weltall und das Leben – Mystery of Entropy: the Riddle of Physics (Harald Lesch & Axel Kleidon)

It is interesting that the cold has the highest entropy compared to heat, which can actually be taken from the definition of thermodynamics. It also occurs to me that, for example, the exhaust turbocharger is designed in such a way that it needs an intercooler because the cold air0 has a higher density of air molecules per volume and thus a higher level of efficiency can be achieved.

I am also slowly beginning to understand that entropy can of course also be understood as information, as I wanted it to be, in the context of data, and this in a way of coding. One just has to know or understand how the coding mechanism1 works and I also mentioned somewhere that Akasha can be seen as a kind of data storage of the cosmos and Akasha is part of space or the building block that space is made of. I also had a kind of mission where I perceived space as a kind of building block.

This amount of information can perhaps be interpreted in such a way, or there is a certain correlation, that the colder it is, the more information can be stored and the warmer it is, the less, because all the molecules are dancing, dancing violently, and need space around them. I have so many impressions, I don’t know how to formulate it all to get a holistic picture, but in such a way that no contradictions arise.

2024-12-23, 10:58 clock

It just occurred to me that the mantras put the molecules in a kind of position that represents the key to the cosmos or Akasha, of course that also depends on the key.

I know from the Vedas that the pronunciation of the mantras is fundamentally important, as is the timing, or more precisely the entire sound pattern. Many other rituals are also necessary, which can never actually be implemented by someone with bad intentions, because bad intentions change everything.

One can also imagine that when you are bad, your voice, gestures, facial expressions all manifest themselves accordingly. There are actors who can cover up a lot of things but look at how a lie detector works. Of course, there are also people who can outsmart man-made lie detectors.


0 Imagine how the molecules dance, they need more space, like when it’s cold and everyone is huddled together to keep warm. No, we don’t want to attribute consciousness to the atoms, or do we 🤭?

1 Imagine you discover a floppy disk that is 2000 years old and you no longer know how the data was stored back then or how to interpret this binary code. Maybe there is no absolute coding mechanism or there are self-destruct mechanisms, maybe something similar to James Bond, where after you have read the message the message destroys itself or if unauthorized persons try to read the message and it then explodes. That is the difference between real and Maya, both go hand in hand.