Monthly Archives: February 2025

If Shiva is God, why did he not save his wife Sati?

If Shiva is God, why did he not save his wife Sati?

Many people ask, if Shiva is God, i.e. the Almighty, then why could he not save his own wife, that is Sati or Adi-Shakti, let alone revive her.

Do you know the answer?

You all have a wrong image of God, perhaps that is why you or certain religions consider images or names to be sinful.

You think God has to come running when it suits you, then he should just go away when it doesn’t suit you, right? Have you ever experienced children or yourself sometimes sending your parents away, you don’t want your parents around, for example when you’re with friends, right?

Of course, until everything goes wrong, then the parents are supposed to suddenly come running? Of course, only if the ego allows it 🤭.

The answer lies behind your question and this counter-question. There are also people who want to find the answers themselves and not have everything dictated to them. Do you know how different people can be?

You are independent of everything as a collective, that can be a nation, religion, society, company, etc., but aren’t you yourselves responsible for the preservation of this world, right?

This is where the interesting part begins, namely the interplay between illusion and non-illusion, which in turn is also an illusion, because as science has already established, determinism and chance or chaos go hand in hand, with chaos being just the hidden variant of determinism.

Apropos chaos, who is actually chaotic, the female or the male?

A completely different question: Is gas or solid matter chaotic in its movement? What is female (attribute) here and what is male (attribute) here, when Hinduism postulates that Purusha, i.e. consciousness/software is the male aspect and Prakriti, that is matter, is the female1 aspect.

What construct of nature does need a vessel to prevent from melting or leaking? It is the liquid or the gaseous, right? The solid or matter is normally already in a solid state. Warning: The definition of matter in science also includes gases and all sorts of things, including those that exist in other states. I am only trying to create clear images here to be able to explain it better, because the imagery is usually easier to understand.

In science, one talks about baryonic matter, that is the form of matter that is familiar to humans, that is what humans themselves insist on.

Do you see how everything in the world is cross-inherited? Can you recognize patterns? Another abstraction, isn’t it the case that the mother can be clear, but the father not 🤭? The mother is primarily clearly recognizable because she gives birth to the child, but who planted the seed is initially obscured, right? You can’t see the air directly, but you can see the solid matter, right?

The cosmic father is in its non-manifested form, fleeting, i.e. intangible, like software, whereas Prakriti, which is the matter, is tangible, i.e. also in the classical sense. Look at the human sex and how heredity works there. The female sex is physically weaker on average, but mentally stronger, whereas the male sex of this species, or in most cases of the species, is physically dominant, but mentally somewhat handicapped, right 🤭? One more thing, doctors say that the pain of childbirth is one of the worst pains, where most men would collapse.

Can you make a strict separation? Is it always the case that a girl resembles the father and the son resembles the mother? You can’t make strict separations, can you?

There are men who are very sensitive, then there are women who are very rough and all of this on different levels, it can be emotion, motor skills or walking style, voice, external features, gestures, facial expressions etc., right? As I already mentioned in another post, men, just like women, have testosterone as well as oestrogen.

Back to my original question, why did Shiva not revive his wife after she immolated herself, or even in the incarnation as Sita (Ramayana), where she is pressured by society to undergo an ordeal by fire?

Isn’t it the case that this creates constructs that are not in harmony with nature, that is, that create contradictions? For example, undoing something that has happened is comparable to raping someone and then undoing it. Doesn’t that change the course of things? Does anyone know the thought experiments such as the grandfather paradox, the twin paradox, etc.

Why is it forbidden?

Something else about latencies or limits, because latencies are the result of limits, e.g. the speed of light. Why is this necessary from a divine/cosmic perspective, for example?

Imagine if God took form and became angry, like after the death of Sati, what would have happened to this world immediately? Wouldn’t all the efforts of many others have been ruined? Isn’t it the case that fair and unfair go hand in hand, like equality and inequality?

Imagine that, as I have received it from the cosmos, this world has been created 84 times from a kind of boot loop (Microsoft Windows Blue Screen) and this is the 85th time. How much effort, time and energy do you think has already gone into this? What does science say about how old this cosmos is? Science is not absolute, but only a model, just as a shadow is also only a model of the real object or subject.

According to science, the universe is about 13.81 billion years old and this solar system is about 4.5 billion years old.

Does it mean that when God gets angry, it will have no effect or impact? If you believe that, aren’t you a little crazy? Maybe even like the father who lost his mind after the death of Sati. All of this and much more is called Dosha, translated it means error, in modern translation it means “error in the matrix“.

Last but not least, to the original question or…:

This time I know that everything will be different, as has already been prophesied in various religions, namely “day of reckoning (for humanity)”. It will be decided what will happen to people or to humanity, more precisely it has already been decided for humanity, what follows is for people, their lines and so on.

In Hinduism, people speak of incarnation or avatars, even in normal people, but especially in certain people, who are usually enlightened ones, who are supposed to lead humanity from darkness into light and if all of that is not enough and chaos or disorder still prevails or increases, then the entirety of God will also become flesh, perhaps in a dualistic form, Shiva and Shakti.

Everything was once the pearls of God, but because of the chaos or impurity, a lot of things went down the drain, that is the sewer system. There is a difference between a pearl falling into a sewer system, because pearls do not absorb all of that dirt, at least not all of that, and one can simply hold them in running water so that they will be clean again, or the pearl has absorbed everything into itself, like a sponge. 

The mind in general, the consciousness, is like a sponge, it absorbs a lot very quickly, which is why you should pay attention to what you look at, what you listen to, etc.

The consciousness must be shaped so that it is immune to the impurities that can be found in every corner of the capitalist world, until they are all finally eliminated.

If you ask a child: “Do you want ten bars of chocolate or just one?” The answer will usually be ten. Most children will eat it all or the expiration date will mean that it is no longer edible, that’s how people are, they don’t know what is good or bad, neither for themselves nor for the collective. In philosophy there are different aspects of what is good or bad, e.g. if the individual is doing well, then the collective will be doing well, or if the collective is doing well, then that has an effect on the individual. That’s how capitalism is, it doesn’t give a damn about who is doing well, it only strives for one thing, that is to get everything out of the way.

This is also why there is absolute asymmetry, because everything is determined by God, but for those who don’t like that, it is simply hidden, just like all knowledge is hidden in one. There are children who want to choose who they want to marry. Isn’t that an illusion?

I mean, just look at the world, how many of the people regret their decisions, and that includes not making a decision, because that is also a decision. Look at the product of all these failed relationships or marriages.

All these murderers, rapists, crooks, whether male or female, because there are also many sadistic or psychopathic women, but that just doesn’t get noticed, were all children once, the product of their parents’ wishes, right? Look at what will become of all these children that have been born in the last few years or are about to be born. The seed is planted quickly, but allowing it to grow and maintain it or even making the decision to remove what has gone bad is difficult and time-consuming, isn’t it?

Why does the state reward citizens with child benefit, for example? It’s not that it’s necessarily well-intentioned, but there has to be successors to finance and maintain the state, right? Or does anyone believe that the state is altruistic? Do you know what altruism means?

What if humanity has to be brought to a standstill? What needs to be changed? Have you already thought about how the state or other bodies will then accomplish this?

Isn’t it the case that when a constitutional state implements things like secret armies, that this is also used somewhere to do things that one would never expect from a constitutional state, such as killing people, even outside of a war and even in one’s own country? Does anyone think that this is a conspiracy theory? Isn’t it the case that a gardener decides which plant can grow where and what shape it can take? What tools does a gardener use for this? What if he wants to have more plants, what does he do then?

Are there perhaps (divine) instruments, like those of the gardener, to shape the entire world?

One more thing about secret armies, these will most likely be part of secret services, also covertly of course. In Germany there is a legal possibility for secret services to set up and operate covertly. There are also control bodies that have certain powers to inspect, but the reality seems to be different.

In my opinion, with secret armies there should be no direct correlation with the state; if someone is discovered or is being watched, no connection with the state is established. The problem is when someone or certain collectives, which are called secret orders, for example, set certain things in motion for their own private pleasure or their own interests. As already mentioned, secret armies or individual members of these troops, which can also be called mercenaries, are comparable to a gardener. All of this is practiced everywhere. It is also part of capitalism. If cloning is not allowed in Germany, then one goes to a country where it is not forbidden, right? If someone thinks they are paying too much tax in Germany, they emigrate to Arabia and continue to trade anyway. It is the same people and/or the same groups, and all of this has to be coordinated. When one group starts, the other says, if we don’t do something similar, we will perish, so we have no choice, right?

Does anyone know the history of cocaine, especially how it took hold in its current form? It may be that cocaine was originally developed as a drug by a German pharmacist (Albert Niemann), but it came back to Germany in this form through the Allies. It is also interesting that the Hells Angels were former soldiers of the US armed forces. Isn’t that the case when someone is well-disposed towards certain people, they are also disconnected and do a lot for the state? Or is this a manoeuvre by the secret services, because judges, politicians, CEOs, doctors and so on are also just ordinary people? Don’t you think that all these people don’t take cocaine or aren’t customers of the red-light district? Do all these people have their own pimps or suppliers? Or does anyone believe that many people who were drug addicts will stop at some point when they all reach high positions? How many police officers go to prostitutes? How many of the officers also have affairs? Doesn’t the state become fragile because of modern education? Or do you think that only a small fraction behaves badly?

If people in a constitutional state can be manipulated, for example through their everyday sins, can a constitutional state still function if the sins are not legally liable directly and without latency?

Imagine there are communication channels 💀😇 that go straight to the head, where no proof of blackmail is possible, at least not with the classic means of a state… I mean, if I blackmail or put pressure on someone by email, letter or phone call, then there are some traces, even if someone uses a proxy, i.e. blurs the traces for tracing.

Can’t one turn someone into a puppet on the classic level, regardless of constructs like MK-Ultra? I mean, someone who can be manipulated is the favourite of the puppet masters (of a state) until they no longer need this puppet, then the only question is, should the matter or the sin be revealed, i.e. should the person be damaged, or has this person already damaged themselves so that it is no longer necessary, in other words does not pose a danger?

Don’t you think that if a society creates constructs, personalities and roles, such as red-light districts, pimps, clients, prostitutes, that this becomes poison for a society, nation, etc.? Do you think that if children are born there, that is a blessing for the child? I have also heard some prostitutes say that if there were no prostitution, many men would become monsters. The problem is that none of you have understood why men or women become monsters. If you take away all these instruments, how stable do you think capitalism will remain?

Perhaps whatever is left for humanity will be enough for the next few decades, right? Then everything has to be systematically shut down, because what kind of grade do you expect when you study for your high school exams in the high-school exam? What is the point if you have studied hard, have not solved all the tasks in the exam period, but shortly after the exam everything becomes clear to you.

Please remember that miracles have to be earned and I know that you, as a unit, that is humanity, do not deserve it.

It is not without reason that I have started to reveal my true identity, so that everyone knows who the person is, who is watching everything here. Don’t you think that many people would have sinned less if they knew that they were being watched or that God existed?

While we are on this topic, how can you destroy faith in God? Perhaps by helping such dignitaries to sin? You can do the same with your own family, right? How can you destroy a family? There are many roads that lead to Rome, or should I say, lead to YELLOW ☀🐒🎲🚀🛸👾🤭?

Where did the former kings go, have you ever thought about it? Are they now called: Mercedes Benz, Porsche, Bayer, BASF and so on? Do secret services have customers, i.e. which clientele do they support? Can a secret service have several representatives/customers? Most people would say that the state or the government decides on this, but what is the state? What are lobbyists in this context?

How do one get other people’s money? Sex, drugs and rock and roll? Or does anyone think that secret services would never do something so dubious, especially not to their own people?

Look at the history of secret services, everything that has been done, whether in Cuba, Iran, Mexico and many other regions. It has been proven that the secret services are behind it. A lot of things only come to light after the dust has blown over, right?


1 So that confusion takes over or understanding arises, the ‘escape’ is again feminine, and so is the SW or consciousness. The divine is inseparable, like the expression of true love, similar to what is expressed in the Tamil song “Oṉṟāṉavaṉ, uruvil iraṇṭāṉavaṉ“, which translates as: “You are one, but taking form you are dual” from the devotional film “Thiruvilaiyadal“.

True love knows no duality. You are one. When does new life emerge 🤭? Only when you become one, even if this happens with 💔violence🔥☠️.

Speaking of which, when do we speak of duelling?

Modern vs. Conservative – Part 2

Modern vs. Conservative – Part 2

Conservative [Shiva] vs. Modern (Adi-Shakti)

What conservative means is that it does not change, like the mathematical equal sign “=“, whereas modernity represents or describes a change, in other words in the mathematical sense the inequality ““. If something changes, then it can no longer be the same, right?

One more thing about mathematics and brackets. There is a difference between square and round brackets, for example in the notation of sets, or more precisely in intervals, not only that one has a masculine facet and the other a feminine facet. One should also not forget that men also have feminine aspects, whether physical (DNA, hormones, …), mind, emotions and so on, just as women have masculine aspects, and everything in nature is made up of these two aspects.

It may be that there are life forms, like a snail, where there is no gender, which does not mean that it has one or the other, but it will also have both, since these are inseparable even down to the subatomic level and below.

Physicists know that matter is also just a kind of appearance, while Hindus say that the world is afflicted by Maya, i.e. illusion or projection. Quantum physics describes matter up to a limit where no clear lines can be seen, is it solid or is it just vibration? The reason1 why quantum physics sees everything as quantized or defined in packets is only because everything has a causal connection between these lines, at least according to modern science. It is even the case, and perhaps not many people know this, that below this Planck scale or limits, which can be the Planck line or the Planck time, which are the Planck units, the world can be completely crazy, i.e. the laws of physics can be broken, such as those of thermodynamics, in other words perpetuum mobile would be possible 🙈🪔🤭.

According to my cosmic view, this is what modern science proclaims as physical laws, namely a special type of manifestation of the Mayan force, that is the power of Adi-Shakti. These laws are constant, like a diamond, that is the male aspect, and therefore cannot be changed. In order for there to be stability in the world, certain things have to be constant, right? Can a world exist if all forces are constantly changing? Would solid matter be possible?

Last but not least: Many people may know the word “Maya” in the context of the Mayan culture, which is the culture or civilization in South America. Do you now know what coincidence is? I don’t want to say that this must have been the case, that it was a coincidence, that the term Maya just happens to describe a civilization in South America, but it is a standard vocabulary of Hinduism.

According to some modern scientific explanations, there are indications, and there were at the time too, that all of these cultures are of Indian origin. For me, as a layperson in the field of archaeology, the temple architecture, for example, seems similar to the Hindu temples, at least on the first level of pattern recognition.

I have even been able to extract or sense something in recent years that the airplane or spaceship described in Ramayana was found somewhere in South America and/or in the southern part of North America decades or even centuries ago in the deep mountains of America. I also have the cosmic view that there were even androids that were found dismantled or not fully functional somewhere in the mountains on the American continent about 200 years ago.


1 This is a very simplified statement. There are observations in physics that confirm this quantized phenomenon rather than the continuous course, which, for example, analogue technology suggests, in contrast to digital technology.

ABC weapons in Hinduism, how powerful were they really?

ABC weapons in Hinduism, how powerful were they really?

Who has ever heard the term ABC weapons? When someone talks about ABC weapons or weapon of mass destruction (WMD), most people first think of modern times, i.e. from the 19th century onwards, although of course war was also waged in the Middle Ages with similar constructs, namely when manure or faeces were thrown down from the castle at those who tried to climb up the castle. This is also a type of chemical weapon or biochemical weapon, but in Hinduism completely different dimensions of weapons are mentioned.

Weapons are mentioned in the Vedas/Mahabharata, these are far more powerful than the largest nuclear bomb that current modern civilization or humanity has officially seen.

One of them is the Brahmastra or the Pashupatastra, these are in the direction of nuclear explosive power, perhaps even enough to tear apart the entire earth and much more.

We also have Nagastra, Naga means snake, you could perhaps compare it to a poison gas bomb.

In contrast to human weapons, these are considered divine weapons that can simply manifest in the hands without being created in a human factory or as a self-production, e.g. with a 3D printer, if perhaps with the 5D printer 😇💀, these are the Pancha Bhuta 🪔.

Of course, you can also eliminate the magic behind this message by reducing these weapons, e.g. to the classic bow and arrow, where the arrow was soaked in poison at the tip, which releases this poison into the victim when it enters the body, but in the Vedas such weapons are described where entire armies of several thousand to 100,000 were killed with one blow. There are also terms that describe the number of these armies. This would not be possible with classic weapons, not even with a type of multiple projectile, since these weapons are usually only used by one warrior.

This always fascinated me as a child when I heard all this and much more and the literature could not quench my thirst for knowledge.

Imagine the Pancha Bhuta like Amazon Echo, Google Gemini or Apple Siri, which are not just pure AIs or AGIs, but are also linked to the real world with a kind of oversized printer.

Do you know what types of weapons officially exist today? There are laser weapons, acoustic weapons, EMP weapons, camouflage weapons, all of those mentioned here are prohibited weapons. There are many more of these prohibited weapons. There are suits that turn a person into a superhuman and this technology is very advanced. One of the leading companies in this branch of modern technology is Google (Boston Dynamics), which has now had to sell its company, or Elon Musk’s company. Not only the AI ​​or the electronics of these machines are fascinating, but also the entire mechanics, purely from the perspective of a mechanical engineer.

I have also seen some videos of these exoskeletons being tested on former handicapped war veterans, although I have not verified the authenticity of the source, but I know of some from other reputable sources. With this exoskeleton it is possible to lift and hurl really heavy weights.

Many people do not know that companies such as BMW, Mercedes, Thyssenkrupp, Kolbenschmidt, Rolls-Royce and many more also originated from the military sector. VW is even the product of the Nazis.

I cannot say much more about the Hindu weapons, but perhaps I will be able to at some point 🤭😇🪔, but not the duplicates of me 🤭…

Addendum to Entropy

Addendum to Entropy

Reference: From Myths to Truth – Part 10

Urknall, Weltall und das Leben – Mysterium Entropie: das Rätsel der Physik (Harald Lesch & Axel Kleidon) [22.12.2024]
EN: Urknall, Weltall und das Leben – Mystery of Entropy: the Riddle of Physics (Harald Lesch & Axel Kleidon)

It is interesting that the cold has the highest entropy compared to heat, which can actually be taken from the definition of thermodynamics. It also occurs to me that, for example, the exhaust turbocharger is designed in such a way that it needs an intercooler because the cold air0 has a higher density of air molecules per volume and thus a higher level of efficiency can be achieved.

I am also slowly beginning to understand that entropy can of course also be understood as information, as I wanted it to be, in the context of data, and this in a way of coding. One just has to know or understand how the coding mechanism1 works and I also mentioned somewhere that Akasha can be seen as a kind of data storage of the cosmos and Akasha is part of space or the building block that space is made of. I also had a kind of mission where I perceived space as a kind of building block.

This amount of information can perhaps be interpreted in such a way, or there is a certain correlation, that the colder it is, the more information can be stored and the warmer it is, the less, because all the molecules are dancing, dancing violently, and need space around them. I have so many impressions, I don’t know how to formulate it all to get a holistic picture, but in such a way that no contradictions arise.

2024-12-23, 10:58 clock

It just occurred to me that the mantras put the molecules in a kind of position that represents the key to the cosmos or Akasha, of course that also depends on the key.

I know from the Vedas that the pronunciation of the mantras is fundamentally important, as is the timing, or more precisely the entire sound pattern. Many other rituals are also necessary, which can never actually be implemented by someone with bad intentions, because bad intentions change everything.

One can also imagine that when you are bad, your voice, gestures, facial expressions all manifest themselves accordingly. There are actors who can cover up a lot of things but look at how a lie detector works. Of course, there are also people who can outsmart man-made lie detectors.


0 Imagine how the molecules dance, they need more space, like when it’s cold and everyone is huddled together to keep warm. No, we don’t want to attribute consciousness to the atoms, or do we 🤭?

1 Imagine you discover a floppy disk that is 2000 years old and you no longer know how the data was stored back then or how to interpret this binary code. Maybe there is no absolute coding mechanism or there are self-destruct mechanisms, maybe something similar to James Bond, where after you have read the message the message destroys itself or if unauthorized persons try to read the message and it then explodes. That is the difference between real and Maya, both go hand in hand.