Monthly Archives: December 2024

On the Edge of Truth

On the Edge of Truth


In democratic countries, when the death penalty is imposed, at least as far as I know, the person is first nursed back to health before they are executed. 

Do you know the reason?

Let’s assume hypothetically that there will be a Last Judgement, so called doomsday, what will happen with the Last Judgement, which exists in all cultures in different forms, although such things are denied and/or ignored by the official sides, be it science or the state?

Ignorance, gaslighting does not protect against…

The question is not how such thought constructs arise in many cultures, but we simply play with the idea of ​​ what-ifs …?

Will humanity also be nursed back to health for the first time? Let’s assume that maybe there are different deadlines. Imagine you are sitting in the high school exams and hand in your results or parts of the results after the deadline has passed? Do you know what I mean? Do you think it will change your grade?

Is it perhaps like a bottomless pit?

Apropos bottomless pit [ → Mathematical symbol for the union]:

Without 1+3, i.e. SJ, many things or rather everything is like a bottomless pit.
1+3 இல்லாமல், அதாவது SJ, எல்லாமே ஓட்டை பானை/பாத்திரம் போன்றது.

From Myths to Truth – Part 8

From Myths to TruthPart 8

[Enemy of the State]

Most people don’t know that the science of neural networks and artificial intelligence hasn’t existed for 20 or 30 years, but that the scientific foundations for it were laid back in the 1950s.

A hypothetical thought 😇 how one can achieve a certain kind of entanglement despite respecting privacy, which cannot exist in the absolute, and more on that at some point later.

Imagine you want to realize that when you eat something, someone else finds out about it, automatically and not in the traditional way. For the sake of simplicity, let’s assume that sugary food is the trigger for this thought experiment. To do this, you need to know which areas of the brain are activated when we eat something like that. It is also the case that even the thought of eating something sweet can trigger similar effects, but that is another matter, I’m only mentioning it here for the sake of completeness.

You have to know that the brain does not correspond to simple binary logic, but that other mathematical concepts play a role here, namely a kind of blurring, which is not possible with binary logic or Boolean logic, where there is only black and white, i.e. ZERO and ONE, which does not occur in nature. The computer is also not absolute, the voltages corresponding to binary values ​​0 and 1 are defined by threshold, i.e. if the voltage falls below the defined threshold, then it is defined as zero, if the voltage exceeds the defined threshold, then it is defined as one.

The brain, however, even when the nervous system and many other things work with electricity, are not binary. What do I mean by that?

Imagine that there are terms in natural language that are not absolute, but rather relative or subjective, e.g. warm, cold, medium warm, etc. You cannot define absolute values ​​here, e.g. you speak of warm when the temperature is between 18° and 24°, or cold when it is below 15°.

If you want to depict such processes, you need a new type of logic and this is called fuzzy logic. This is the logic of uncertainty.

Our model-like brain consists only of synapses for easy understanding, which are simple nodes of the neural network.

It is also the case that I am writing this article (like any other) off the cuff and do not need to be scientifically complete, because that would go beyond the scope. It has also been a while since I have dealt intensively with such things in medicine.

Let’s assume further hypothetically that we can dock something wireless to certain synapses, we lovingly call these babies the Bynars – maybe even one of the Pancha Boothas, namely fire🔥.

It’s just that a small number of synapses is enough to find out whether someone has eaten something sugary or not, that’s also a kind of ankle bracelet 🤭😇.

Whether my babies dock directly to certain areas of the brain or to the human second brain, most people may not know that, which is the entire gastrointestinal tract, perhaps some will now understand why love can also go through the stomach or how gut feeling will be understood or other peripheries of the central nervous system (CNS), we will leave aside.

Now you can link logical operations to this, e.g. If person A eats chocolate, then give person B feedback or trigger thirst in person B. Welcome to the new world, or rather the new era has long since begun, you all just don’t know it 😇.

Now you can create the entanglement between a subject and an object or several objects, which in turn can also be subjects, but they don’t have to be, and maybe we’ll run all this data through a kind of proxy to anonymize it, like one does with anonymized samples/tests, for example.

Do you know that for the scientific study of such non-entangled, but necessary for understanding, simple invertebrates such as leeches were used, whose entire neural system only consists of around 200,000 synapses? Of course, this is only an approximate value and depends on various other factors.

With such simple life forms, studies have been carried out on how this animal can be stimulated externally so that it moves in the desired direction.

Imagine all of this with humans, if you can manipulate people, i.e. stimulate them externally and even ensure that certain people buy iPhones, others Samsungs and yet others who knows what brand, don’t you think that many companies would pay money for something like that so that they can move up?

Who of you knows the novel “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley, which is one of the world-class books? Apropos, it was compulsory reading for us and I have only read a handful of such readings or classic books 🤭, before I give the wrong impression.

I mostly only read or study specialist literature, many people won’t believe this, as a child I even liked reading manuals, for technical equipment 😂, for example hi-fi systems, televisions, etc.

At the moment, reading is almost impossible for various reasons, but that’s a story in itself. Maybe I talk too much about (former) military secrets or state secrets 🤭.

Side note

Side note

It is not anchored in many cultures or religions and is even frowned upon when the Almighty becomes flesh, i.e. incarnates. The idea would be even more absurd if some of the incarnations were not even human in nature or like some interpretations like that of the Vamana Avatar, that is the dwarf figure.

The cosmic impression I got, is that of a child, but that only plays a minor role here for the first time. This incarnation was also for King Bali to break his arrogance. We have many kings here today, only in other forms, that is CEOs, professors, civil servants, state, etc.

There were some kind of transformations from king and empire to what you call democracy today, but they are all still there 🤭.

For many cultures it is even a kind of insult when God becomes human, then such ideas of a disabled person or even an animal or hybrid being such as Narasimha are more than dizzying.

There are even approaches in science that are not legal in all countries, but research has progressed despite this. This is the research into chimeras. The term natural hybrid is also a term in biology.

There are certainly many things that the mainstream does not know about or that are not openly discussed for various reasons.

There are even stories where a child unknowingly or even knowingly, but not with malicious intent, climbs onto a Shiva Lingam that is standing under a mango tree or something similar in order to get to the fruit, and the adults who notice this try to lynch the boy, but the divine power intervenes. However, the intervention here should not be equated with arrogance or ignorance, which is nothing other than ignorance, because the divine acts destructively there.

I am not concerned here with whether this could have happened, although it is my impression that it is true.

From Myths to Truth – Part 7

From Myths to TruthPart 7

Prism-effect: Akasha, one of the Pancha Bhuta (Five Elements)

Remember that the knowledge of the cosmos or access to the cosmic library, like through a prism, where the white light of the sun is broken down into its primary colours/rainbow colours, is broken down in a similar way and reaches different people.

This is just an abstract example, explained very simply and in a figurative model. This is how the Rishis also received the Vedas.

The example of the three-finger rule of the right hand is well known, especially among electrical engineers. This is roughly how the central nervous system is coupled to the natural environment. Quantum field theory (QFT) and especially quantum electrodynamics (QED) also tries to explain this, but not in the way I do, mostly just hidden between the lines or separated from the important phenomena that concern the human mind and perception.

The problem with QED and many other theories is that they are not compatible with my perception, or more precisely the cosmic impression that I get, if you put it that loosely.

My perception or cosmic experience shows that gravity does not seem to appear as Albert Einstein formulated it in his theory of relativity, namely as a consequence of the curvature of space-time, unlike Isaac Newton, who formulated gravity differently, namely as an effect of forces. Apropos space-time, do you know what Mahakala or Mahakali mean in Hinduism?

Somehow the theory with the graviton as a hypothetical model seems to correspond more to the cosmic impression that I have received in the past.

Just as you train your brain and nervous system (and/or many other things), this forms the key to the cosmic library, and learning is also essential, because otherwise everyone would be lazy.

I started studying artificial intelligence around 23 years ago (2001) at the University of Karlsruhe and then learned a lot of knowledge autodidactically, especially about neural networks and the human periphery that was modelled on these networks.

I had already dealt with all the things about autopilot for cars back then (in my studies and privately), which is now gradually finding its way into cars, even in a similar way to Knight Rider. This is also a sign of how the imaginary axis maps onto the real axis.

My own dream at the time was to one day establish a system that maps thoughts to text, similar to speech-to-text (STT), because I had so many thoughts that I couldn’t type fast enough (although I can type fast) to write everything down and then the thought occurred to me: “Wouldn’t it be nice if I could write down all these thoughts automatically.”

Why do I say this? I have spent my whole life doing things like this and have barely had time for other things that you might understand better. Today, the day still has 24 hours, even if in earlier times there were days that were longer or shorter, due to the speed of the earth’s rotation, and this can also happen more quickly than most people realize.

Another important thing, don’t come with arrogance, the Vedas and the Five Elements, what is he saying there. Just as a hint, the famous mathematician and scholar Isaac Newton secretly worked with alchemy. There are many, many people researching it secretly, but gossiping about it is a disguise.