Monthly Archives: December 2024

We rattle and shake science

We rattle and shake science

What is man or…?

Speaking of science, does the word “science” come from “creating knowledge”? What do the etymological lexicons say about this? The Kluge etymological dictionary of the German language, for example, says on page 994: (14th century) “Collective formation of the infinitive Middle High German ‘wizzen’; …”, I have my own explanation, namely “creating knowledge”.

What is a human being, have you ever asked the question? I’m not concerned with the biological question here, i.e. the biological definition or the definition from a medical perspective? Please don’t forget that even in medicine in different countries there are different definitions of when someone is declared dead, namely with predefined time intervals. Here in Germany, two independent doctors have to certify that a person has died. In the United States, things are different.

To provocatively confuse the matter, i.e. your mind, a little more, remember that the way I sometimes proceed is similar to determining limits, i.e. performing operations that are forbidden, such as dividing by zero or performing arithmetic operations with infinity.

I have already talked about science, that it is also a kind of new religion, this is a provocative method, one has to shake the foundations to see whether it is built on air. Ask the chemists, although this is one of the areas in which I am not particularly well-versed, but I can still understand a lot through physics. It is similar with biology for me, but I can still contradict certain things that are familiar to the general public. That has to do with rational thinking. What am I trying to address here, e.g. that the models in chemistry that an electron orbits the atomic nucleus, like the planets orbit the sun, are not given as they are depicted, regardless of the fact that the model visualization that an electron is a particle does not even exist or could not be observed.

How else do you arrive at the particle-wave dualistic world view? I am not concerned with such abstract things, but with things that you might be interested in, such as what you are.

I also noticed through observations a year ago that DNA cannot necessarily be used as software to build the body as an explanation, but that it is a kind of framework. That is my interpretation or description, because I have also followed the issue of CRISPR technology and many other things and of course above all the observations of the last few years since 2010, where I have immersed myself in new things, where this is hidden from the general public or has been ensured. I am talking about the framework, as it is also known in the SW. It is also the case that certain invisible energies/currents/messengers 🤭… ensure that certain switches can be turned on and/or off, whether this is hair loss or grey hair, of course this can also have other reasons.

I happened to hear a similar explanation from a renowned biologist just two weeks ago, and I was astonished.

It is also the case that according to official science, all human cells are completely renewed every few years, so every cell in your body is new. You just don’t notice it. The aging process occurs because errors occur during copying, but these do not have to be. 

How else do you arrive at the particle wave dualistic world view? I’m not concerned with such abstract things, but with things that you might be interested in, such as what you are.

Let’s think about it: people have feelings, i.e. emotions, people have a body, mind, Atman (soul), consciousness, Manas – at least these entities strike me, although Western culture might not know certain terms here, just because you don’t know something doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.

Here is an excerpt from Mahabharata (Episode 209, Star Vijay):

I wrote down this entire episode 209 a year or two ago and also in all 3 languages ​​(TA → EN & DE). This document consists of 22 pages, which would be too much of a good thing here 🤭.

Timestamp → 02 min:18 sec

இல்லை பார்த்தா. அந்த கூற்று சத்தியமானால், ஏன் மரணத்துக்கு பின்பு அந்த தேகம் அழிந்து விடுகிறது? உண்மை யாதெனில், ஒரு மனிதன் அறியப்படுவதும் தேகத்தால் அல்ல, அதன் சம்பந்தங்களும் ஆதாரமும் தேகத்தை கொண்டது அல்ல.

மனிதனுடைய சுபாவம், அவனுடைய நடத்தை, அவன் ஆற்றும் செயலே அவனது பரீட்சையம்.

இந்த சுபாவம், நடத்தை மற்றும் செயல்கள் எவ்வாறு உருவாகின்றன, அதை குறித்து ஆலோசி.

மானிட வாழ்வு என்பது கண்ணுக்கு புலப்படுகின்ற, புலப்படாத 20 பண்புகளோடு தொடர்புடையது.

இருப்பினும் பார்த்தனே, ஒவ்வொரு மனிதனின் சுபாவமும் காரியங்களும், மாறுபட்டு வேறுபட்டு விளங்குகின்றன. அதற்கு காரணமானவை இந்த சிருஷ்டியில் மூன்று குணங்கள்: தமஷ், ரஜஷ் அத்துடன் சத்வம்.

No, my friend. If your statement were true, then why does this body perish after death? The truth is, a person is not identified by their body (think of transplants of body parts e.g. hand, leg, heart, eyes…who owns it after the transplant…), nor are their relationships and identity traced back to their body.

A man’s character, behaviour and actions are his touchstone.

Think about the basis on which a person’s character, behaviour and actions develop.

Human life is associated with 20 visible and invisible qualities/virtues.

But, my friend, all man’s actions and his manner of actions are different, aren’t they? This is due to the three Gunas: Tamas, Rajas and Sattva

Apparently, there are also people, these are called psychopaths, who have no access to their emotions. They can pretend a lot that they have emotions, but they cannot understand it.

What is it like when one of these entities is missing [02/2020], for example, similar to how in biology a child is born without arms or with an extra head, i.e. Siamese twins, what is this called in biology? These are things that are visible (for current science), but what about the things that have not been understood, similar to how you cannot see air, i.e. oxygen, but their existence can be indirectly proven?

There are also parents who know full well that if they give birth to children, there is a high probability that they will be born with physical and/or mental disabilities, but they still give birth. You can call it love or even ignorance, of course it is mostly selfishly motivated. What if this child is a burden on the collective because things have not yet been understood as they should have been? Who is responsible, purely hypothetically? We also want to use the concept of doomsday. The child has already fallen into the well, so the only option left is: “Get well and go to hell”, right? Of course, there are alternatives, e.g. sweeping it under the carpet, e.g. some parents do this when a child doesn’t like something, they slip something to the child without asking, without them noticing. That may be true, I always say that every child, every life or individual is a science in itself that takes time and energy.

Medical science talks about perception disorders, and it is also clearly defined according to the ICD or DSM, but what really is perception disorders, especially when certain truths are withheld in official science or from humanity in general?

Can you imagine consciousness as a single consciousness, where each individual is assigned an address range in the infinite RAM, that is the main memory or random-access memory, similar to how the computer assigns an address range for each program, this is also the case when programs are programmed to be error-prone, hackers use this, for example, to crash the program through buffer-overflow, maybe even the entire operating system. For those not technically savvy, the buffer-overflow is comparable to when you leave your things at the neighbour’s house but look for them in your own or accuse the neighbour of something 🤭🔥.

If anyone thinks that this is too far from reality, there are many renowned physicists and other scientists who postulate such approaches. Please also do not forget that the gravitational waves that Albert Einstein announced about 100 years ago were only discovered in the last few years (mid-2014) in the data streams of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, or LIGO for short, at least that is what science tells the masses, also proclaimed as mainstream science.

While we are already proclaiming science as a kind of new religion, have you all noticed that for many people, for example, football clubs, musicians, politicians, etc. are like gods? How does something like that come about? Is something being kept secret that makes all of this crystallize like this?

I know from my own experience, because many of my boys are very football fanatics, although I am a complete zero, that despite being friends they sometimes get into arguments as if this was about some kind of deity.

You also know from the media how girls scream around all the singers or band members as if they are worthy of worship, some kind of deity or demigod?

What is all this? Of course, you can find terms for all of these in psychology, but I question everything where gaslighting is practiced. If you have to read between the lines in science because you are afraid to tell the truth, then there is something wrong with your system/society, right?

Another important thing, perhaps one or the other has noticed how the world is structured, politically and/or economically. It is also the case that when you separate certain things, a lot of things develop in a bulge-like or cancer-like manner, because all of this was designed for a kind of form of the world that is unified and not so fragmented.

What do I mean by that? There are certain customs and traditions in different cultures that have perhaps crystallized, whether something has arisen from matriarchal or patriarchal customs does not necessarily correspond to the divine order, similar to cancerous tumours, all of which are consequences of the Doshas. No one would come up with the idea of ​​classifying cancerous tumours, whether good or bad, as normal, right?

Did you know that after Sati’s suicide, humanity was like half-orphans? Why perhaps certain children do not respect their mothers because they let themselves down? In the Ramayana it was even the other way around, namely that Rama’s children did not want to accept their father and even took their mother’s name as their surname/family name/last name, at least that is how it is portrayed in one of the film adaptations, without going into the truth of this here, i.e. whether this corresponds to the official sources or a product of the imagination.

Did you know that in the animal kingdom there are creatures that are monogamous? Of course, there are also animals that prove the opposite, where do all these things come from, even in humanity? According to some sources, there is also behaviour in the animal kingdom where male species are killed by the female after sexual intercourse?

It is also the case that when different cultures collide, bad behaviour is usually adopted. I explained this to a former friend about 28 years ago. Is this also what is meant in the famous book Clash of Civilizations” by Samuel P. Huntington, which I have not yet read in its entirety?

Everything in nature interacts, that is also one of my cosmic views that revealed this to me.

In physics, the interactions are clearly defined, namely the four fundamental forces: strong interaction, weak interaction, electromagnetism and gravity. Apparently, there is also a fifth force, which brings us back to the number FIVE.

But back to my question, what about nature? If you castrate certain truths, another word for gaslighting, do you then find the truth, or is it difficult? Apparently, there was a time when it was punished if you said that the earth was a sphere. More recent sources say that this was character assassination, but that is what was mostly claimed in various official sources.

Last but not least: It should be clear that I write most articles in about 30 minutes, which means I will not be able or willing to invest much time to make it meet scientific standards.

I am not writing this for the scientific audience because they already know what to look for, but for the common people so that they can be picked up. Of course, it is also about me observing everything to form judgements about humanity and everything else. How the information is carried to you, even if the real readership is small, maybe the wind (air), one of the Pancha Boothas will carry the message to you in your ears 🤭.

From Myths to Truth – Part 11

From Myths to TruthPart 11

Dosha or error in the matrix

Dosha (தோஷம்Tōṣam) means “mistake”. Mistakes can arise in different ways, namely unconsciously or consciously, individually or collectively, and the combination of this and that.

In the same way, the dosha can affect individual people, life forms, constructs and many other things and/or the collective, which can be a state, religious community, society, religious community and many other types of classes or partitions.

Do you know the analogy between Berlin, but before the reunification of Germany and Gaza? Both states and/or areas were surrounded by the foreign state, right? Was that a coincidence? Do you know where this constellation existed in world history? Did you know that the mother of the Pancha Pandavas voluntarily or at the request of King Dhritarashtra stayed on his side and not on the side of her sons, namely until the war was over or the Pandavas ended the war?

The cardinal faults or cardinal Doshas are those that happen during an incarnation or the entire temporal context, before and after, including the suicide of Sati (52 ← I happened to use this number as an abbreviation or code), which was the first of five incarnations of Adi-Shakti up to the current one. The last major Dosha was in her penultimate incarnation (4/5) as Sita, the wife of Rama, where she decides to undergo the ordeal 🔥 and dissolves her incarnation. In each of her last incarnations she was always the wife of Shiva or Parabrahman/Parameshvara or Athimoolam (ஆதிமூலம் → the root or first cause). According to my vision, Shiva is the cause and Adi-Shakti is the effect. They are inseparable from each other, just as the radiation of the sun, that is, the effect of the sun, is inseparable from it. This is also the expression of true love, there is no ego. But she is the cause of the world coming into being, namely the manifestation of what is called the desire to have children. An effect, in turn, can, as defined in physics, be a cause of something else, so it is a kind of chain of causes and effects. Adi-Shakti is the primordial force or energy, now some will draw the wrong conclusion, if it is the primordial energy, then it is the first cause, so that is not the case. It may be that energy is interpreted as a cause, e.g. in physics, that is the Big Bang, but energy is also the effect of another cause, more precisely of Purusha, in today’s modern understanding it can be associated with information on an abstract level. 

Many physicists, especially from theoretical physics, have also come to the conclusion that everything is ultimately information, and their hypothetical models use this interpretation, including the physicist John Archibald Wheeler with his famous statement: “It from bit“.

They are simply different names in the different incarnations and not two different ones. It is also true that each incarnation has its own qualities and goals.

As I have already described in previous articles, the many names can be assigned to the different incarnations and eras, but not as different deities, whereby the differentiations arise through the different qualities and are not misrepresented as in some lexical works, especially in the western sources, i.e. Athimoolam is Shiva (→Matsya → Kurma →Varaha → Narasimha →) → Vinayagar → Murugan → Rama → Krishna.

The second major mistake happened in the incarnation as Vinayagar (my number key → 69/7…?), that was the beheading. Some will ask themselves, if he were God, why didn’t he make himself more beautiful, others would even ridicule this and say that perhaps there were no cosmetic surgeries back then, but the real background, the truth that has become apparent to me at least, is that the world does not deserve this, even if it came about through an accident, especially since, according to my insight, there was no possibility for Adi-Shakti in this incarnation. It is the manifestation of absolute purity, like the prototype kilogram, the measure of purity, or the white, fertile light of the sun and the pleasant reflection of the moon. Imagine that the measuring instrument does not meet the quality requirements, e.g. in engine construction. Every mechanical engineer in the car industry knows how precise the dimensions for pistons and many other components have to be. The smallest deviations in the dimensions have fatal consequences.

To give you a better understanding of what Doshas are, I use terms, illustrations, etc. from the modern age, namely errors in the matrix.

Imagine that the front glass of your cell phone has cracked or that the display has defects in some places, e.g. pixel errors or the circuit boards of the motherboard are damaged. In cars today, for example, small cable breaks can have fatal consequences. This is roughly how you can understand Doshas better.

People forget that the whole idea of ​​how this solar system moves suggests a false image, because the suns are shown statically, similar to the world map, where the distance between America (far left of the picture) and Asia (right of the picture) is so large or suggests from one end to the other end, even without the idea of ​​a flat earth, which is actually not the case. The distortions are due to the fact that a sphere is projected onto a plane, which is why, for example, Russia appears much larger than it actually is or the hips (west-east line) of Africa appear narrower than they are. The actual distance between the Asian continent and the American continent is just about 85 km, that’s the Bering Strait. You can lie without lying 🤭. Many school books are wrong here too, not just in geography, but in history, biology and much more, especially when they indirectly suggest that the natives of America are an independent people, which is wrong, they are of Asian origin. To me, all the architects of the Mayas and many other things look like they have Hindu origins, which is also described in some of the writings of the new science.

The loneliness that many people feel today and that manifests itself in different ways, e.g. in old people’s homes or the many people who die alone, can also be traced back to the Doshas, ​​namely that of Shiva after Sati’s suicide, as well as that of Rama and also that of Sita.

Of course, all of this can also come about through the abuse of certain circumstances that have not yet been properly understood, at least by the general public, but by individual groups that are also part of the secret services.

I can recommend literature and authors to help you understand the structure and approach of secret services, for example the following authors: Josef Ganser, a very well-known Swiss author. Then a German journalist and author who died a few years ago, Peter Scholl-Latour. Many people probably know him from public broadcasting, and then we also have a top candidate, Armin Krishnan, who also did his doctorate at the University of Munich, if I remember correctly.

I don’t know to what extent you are all enlightened, but the state lines and many other things are also enveloped in a certain energy/magic, similar to when you take a state stamp and stamp with it. This also has a certain significance, doesn’t it?

What I found interesting is that secret services are interested in artists like magicians. I mean, deception etc. is the art of secret services, but I would not have imagined it like that, at least that is how the book “Cold War Leaks (Telepolis)” describes it.

When I get the chance, I will explain how the secret services are structured, for example in Germany, and how they operate, and to what extent the view of the Parliamentary Control Committee as a counterweight to the secret services and their interfaces has nothing to say – at least that is my observation.

From Myths to Truth – Part 10

From Myths to TruthPart 10

Energy EnergyEnergy 1 Energy 2 & Evil eye/nazar: Tiruṣṭi

How are the different incarnations to be understood when I speak of congruence, which is also somewhat contradictory, especially with the inequality sign“?

What are the consequences of nudity, or, for example, why do men walk around shirtless or topless in temples or on streets during some Hindu festivals?

What did Gandhari, Duryodhana‘s mother, want to do with her eldest son in the last battle after 99 of her 100 sons had died? Why should her son appear completely naked in front of her?

Energy is clearly defined in physics, this also applies to electrical engineering or any other natural science/technology, namely it is a physical quantity that is able to do work and in doing so converts from one form to another, e.g. from kinetic energy to electrical energy, which is when a generator converts most of the kinetic energy into electrical energy through mechanical movement and a certain part, depending on the efficiency, is lost here as thermal energy.

I don’t want to explain this directly in physical terms, i.e. with formulas or relationships like joules with Ws (watt second), because that becomes too technical or complicated for most people, but through elements such as voltage and frequency, which are also used for the physical definition of electrical energy, but are terms for everyone, I assume, especially for people who travel a lot in different countries where the mains voltage and/or the mains frequency is different, like here in Germany, are fundamentally important for the equipment they take with them. 

Imagine that one incarnation corresponds to Germany, where the mains voltage is 220 volts at 50 hertz, and the other would be the USA, for example, where the mains voltage is 110 volts at 60 hertz.

Just as devices have different input voltages, different people are also designed for different voltages. This is just a figurative description.

If one looks at the technical equipment internally, it is possible that different components work with different voltages and there can even be mixed areas, i.e. internally work with alternating voltages as well as direct voltages, e.g. AV receivers.

Humans are not completely woven from a single thread/fibre, but are bent from different fibres, if you use weaving as a metaphor.

The temples and the deities are a kind of gas station with certain fuels such as diesel, gasoline and so on, if they have been properly consecrated, i.e. dedicated.

It is not the case that everyone can build supercars, is it?

Sticking with the example of fuels, what would happen if your diesel vehicle was filled with gasoline? Don’t panic, I don’t mean that you are worshipping the wrong deity or the wrong form, maybe you are 🤭, like the first commandment: “I am the Lord your God. You shall have no other gods before me.” We say that one shouldn’t worship Rudra or Kali because they are forms of destruction, maybe similar to saying that you shouldn’t have x-rays all the time, but there are also situations where x-rays are necessary.

While we’re on the subject of supercars, maybe one or the other can understand where the arrogance is, where the ignorance is, when you look at all the electric vehicles with the different charging technologies and connections, as if you didn’t establish a common basis from the start. Is it arrogance, market economy, or a combination of this and that?

That’s also the reason why men go into a temple shirtless. There are also differences between the two sexes when it comes to praying or part of the ritual, i.e. bowing down before God. The man goes down on the floor with his entire body, or more precisely, there are eight points of contact (8 points → அஷ்ட அங்க நமஸ்காரம்: 2× legs, 2× hands, 2× shoulders, 1× head and 1× male sexual organ). However, the woman is not allowed to do this, for her there are five points of contact (5 points → பஞ்ச அங்க நமஸ்காரம்: 2× legs, 2× hands supporting the body and 1× head). It is also the case that when a man goes shirtless, his heart, which represents his love, i.e. his better half or his daughters, siblings, etc., benefit from it without them having to go shirtless themselves. This is the way of refuelling in a civilized world. This refuelling refers to different levels of the individual, this does not necessarily have to be the body, but the consciousness, the emotions and many other entities of the human being.

Here we come to natural entanglements, which have already been understood in physics at the quantum level but are still officially denied in the macroscopic world.

If you can understand this and a lot more scientifically and do not continue to practice gaslighting, then one can also understand how gut feelings, instincts, etc. can also be explained, e.g. the son dies in an accident and the mother feels that something is wrong with her child. Not only that, but many things from the occult or even paranormal phenomena can also be explained better.

I don’t want to say what is good or what is bad, that depends on various factors, but I am explaining some consequences here that have not yet been understood in modern times or a lot of knowledge has been lost, e.g. what Tiruṣṭi is, which is the Tamil expression for evil eyes/nazar, which trigger a kind of natural entanglement, or other things that I cannot classify at the moment.

There is a difference whether someone looks1 at a woman with a good look or looks at her drooling with a negative look. All of this does not have to happen immediately, it is very complex.

These are also the reasons, at least from this aspect: There are many other reasons why a woman who is later supposed to feed the baby shows off with a wide neckline.

It gets even more complicated because every person is a different imprint of nature.

We say: This person has a black tongue, with this we want to express what this person says or curses, comes true or manifests as such.

Every person, even every living being, that is not just what biology or your western world officially defines, but stones also have a soul and consciousness, according to Hinduism, you are all Shiva and Shakti on a scaled down level, or Purusha (software: SW) and Prakriti (hardware: HW). 

If your ego disappears, then we speak of being enlightened and then, according to Hinduism, a person can also be seen as an avatar. Despite all this, an incarnation of God has to be differentiated, which many people have not understood

There are the messengers of God, according to my cosmic view, for example Buddha, Parashurama etc., then one also speaks of incarnation if they have not strayed from the divine path, i.e. have become impure or lost like many others, in order to bring humanity back on the right course because it is constantly wiping itself out. How many advanced civilizations were there before this current humanity?

Officially, the two avatars that I mentioned in the above section, namely Buddha and Parashurama, are also seen as incarnations of Vishnu, which is not true. Many people are mixing things up here, this could also be because the different information and also the different times coincide, in order to recognize and/or correct such errors in IT or communications technology, there is the parity bit.

Regardless of the fact that the differentiation, as it is generally understood, that Vishnu and Shiva are different, is also wrong. This is addressed not only by me, but also by scholars, directly or indirectly, perhaps because one does not want to hurt the feelings of others and create unnecessary problems.

Religions are man-made and a lot of knowledge is lost or is ensured because people do not recognize that everything is one or dualistic at first glance.

There is sufficient evidence in history of all the wars in the world, which are mainly instigated by the Western secret services, how many of them have destroyed or assimilated truths and many other things.

While we are on the subject of explaining energy, I would like to define energy differently, because the cosmic impression I get does not match the current definition in physics. My interpretation of this impression is that one brings energy together with information and then time (Mahakali, that is the circular time, not the linear and absolute time, that is Mahakala) can also be defined or derived. The impressions are so complex and huge that it is difficult to put them into words. Most of the time, complex impressions are difficult to put into words, so the whole book falls into your lap and … and not somehow, as with many with extrasensory perception, that this is acoustic or visual, which can be the case with remote viewing, for example. It is also true that I can perceive in all three main time axes, that is, the past, present, i.e. geographically elsewhere (RV) and also the future, whereby the future must also be formed. That is also what I mean by my message that the future must be and should be EARNED.

Of course, I also know that in classical mechanics there is already an approach where information is defined, namely as entropy, but in my understanding, this is not sufficient because it only defines the microstates, i.e. as a measure of the possible states that particles can assume, in other words, that is the measure of disorder. The same term also exists in information theory, where Claude E. Shannon defines this as the average information content of a message.

What comes to mind is that information is to be understood as data, e.g. Powerline Communication, which is when you connect computer networks via the power grid, i.e. where the electricity supplies energy and information at the same time.

The cosmic impression also says that the cosmic background radiation is also a kind of data field, partially interacting with Akasha, which is also one of the Pancha Bootha or Five Elements.

Everything that I have written down here today, I have already tried to express with a series of pictures, more precisely with 2 pictures “The Magic behind Astrology and the Neural Network”, in mid-2023, because pictures say more than thousands of words. For those who do not know what non-cosmic background radiation is, anyone who can still remember analogue television will know the black-white-grey dots that the television shows when the radio reception of a channel is poor. Have you ever tried to recognize objects in a noisy image, a kind of hidden object picture (hidden faces) in a picture puzzle?

I think that in psychology this falls under the technical terms clustering illusion or pareidolia, apophenia, cognitive distortion and similar. I even think I have heard a different term, but I can’t think of it right now.

Psychology sees this as a by-product or waste product or even a relic of evolution, but it is not a relic, rather a multidimensional information perception. One just has to learn to deal with it. It is perhaps comparable to when a blind person suddenly starts to see for the first time, i.e. to control or compensate for the many sensory impressions; it is like a kind of flood of data.

A number, or more precisely a sequence of digits, is usually interpreted as a decimal number. But this is a fixed point, for example the Mayans or the Romans did not have the base 10. They would interpret the numbers and/or symbols differently. 

It is also the case that I am still learning myself, but I don’t necessarily have to 😇, it is also perhaps a kind of exemplary approach for future generations.

Last but not least: It is also the case that certain temples are not allowed to be visited by women, some only when they are menstruating and others are not allowed to be visited by men.

During this phase, the woman is very receptive to certain things and can take this energy from the temple with her, but maintaining the necessary purity is hardly possible in today’s society, which is more like cutting one’s own flesh.

In our culture, it is said that the heart is like a temple and only when the heart is pure will God dwell in the heart. The pure heart or the temple symbolizes Adi-Shakti and Shiva is the inner mirror, called Maṉacāṭci (மனசாட்சி → witness of the heart → conscience) in Tamil, is also the witness of your actions etc.

When I look around here and all these things that I experience, on different levels of perception, I can already say that if a person does this, they are cutting themselves in their own flesh.

If you want to understand the issue of the female cycle and temple visits, I can recommend Sinu Josef‘s book “Ṛtu Vidyā: Ancient Science behind Menstrual Practices“. I haven’t read the entire book yet, but I have listened to many of her lectures, which are also covered in this book.

It is also the case that not only the look1 of a drooling man causes natural entanglements, but also that of a drooling woman.

Maybe there is also a reason why men in our regions wear a kind of skirt 🤭 (வேட்டி → Veshti), actually this is justified by the temperatures that prevail there, but that could also just be one facet of the truth, the other hidden truth would be that to moderate the arrogance of the man, that you are not above the woman.


1 This is not a conclusion of mine but was a cosmic impression. This was on 2024-12-03 at around 13 o’clock.

What is zero?

What is zero?

Does anyone remember the Cartesian coordinate system from school? Please don’t faint when I use such terms. This is mainly because your eyes have rarely seen such things or your previous school experiences have conditioned you negatively and, in my case, because I only swim in this swamp (quicksand 🤭), whether I can swim well or badly is another matter.

What my observations also show is that all the problems in the world happen to have the same origin or, to put it more generally, they use the same sources.

Now back to the Cartesian coordinate system, do you know how to plot, i.e. draw, the points (12, 17) in a two-dimensional coordinate system? I don’t have to formulate that explicitly here, do I? You go 12 units of length (UL) to the right in the positive X direction and 17 UL upwards in the positive Y direction, i.e. from the zero point, because it was defined that way, like in Germany you drive on the right side and therefore the driver sits on the left or the steering wheel is on the left side.

The problem is that you have all learned to do things mechanically but have forgotten the elementary things or have never been aware of them.

The process that takes place here actually says that the points to be plotted with these values ​​are different from zero, in other words how far they are from zero. Do you understand what I am trying to explain? Do you understand why I am talking about facets of truth?

Does the truth have only one face? Maybe yes, but then several perspectives or different make-up 🤭. I mean today I have short hair, a few years ago I still had shoulder-length hair, but still the one truth, I mean that me too.

Did you know that there is also a zero-form of Shiva? This aspect is called “Bholenath“, but this zero stands for purity, namely this form stands for “Lord of Innocence“.

The problem is that in the real world not everything is a natural number, there is also “0.00001” or “0.1“, but these are not the same numbers, except perhaps in limit considerations, that is when you form limits. One says that something converges to zero.

Arrogance and ignorance is also a type of zero, but definitely not the same as Bholenath, right? In mathematical terms, a type of division by zero occurs in various places in the brain 🤭. Speaking of division by zero, when forming limits, you often see something forbidden being done, right? What happens when the denominator of a number converges to zero, so b is a very small number Closer to zero is a/b? Boooom 💥, the entire fraction explodes, so it gets bigger, just like stupidity. You can just enter this into your calculator and see. 

What happens when the blood primarily sinks into the stomach, or other organs, to your brain 🤭? Is it like a zero? 

From Myths to Truth – Part 9

From Myths to TruthPart 9

Rahu & Ketu

In Hindu narrative or mythology, there is a story that after the Devas and Asuras have done heavy galactic work together, and gifts were promised equally to both parties, it is rumoured among the Asuras that God would never treat them equally, so one comes to the idea of pushing forward and making off with the object of desire.

So, it comes to pass that Vishnu beheads this Asura. But since he had drunk a kind of elixir of life (Amurtham → அமிர்தம்), which was the object of desire, and had achieved a kind of immortality, this individual does not die, but the two body parts become two individual personalities or individuals. This also reminds me of experiments in quantum physics, where the light beam is sent through several mirrors in two different directions at the same time.

In Hindu astrology, these two entities are considered to be geometric intersections of the ecliptic with the lunar orbit. They are also called the dragon’s head and the dragon’s tail. There is also an interpretation in certain circles that these two points could be a kind of micro-black hole, perhaps around 10 cm in size. For those who are shaking their heads right now, it is at least physically possible that such small black holes can exist.

When CERN was completed with the largest particle accelerator (LHC), there were concerns in certain circles that using these accelerators might create micro-black holes in the laboratory and swallow the earth, a kind of way as if your stomach were digesting you, can you imagine that 😂🤭? The problem is that science can only give models of reality, not absoluteness. You can also see somewhere that science has also become a new kind of religion 🤭, because everyone believes in their model. Is it no different with religions 🤭? Do you think that Shiva/Vishnu corresponds with other deities, as they are referred to or described in the various religions, somewhere up there? Wouldn’t that be contradictory to the term omnipotence, or does the contradiction, that is chaos and correctness, go hand in hand? At first glance they are two, especially when they take form.

When I looked into this matter again about 8 to 10 years ago, I wanted to understand how these two species and/or ethnic groups could be understood.

I looked at the different terms in Tamil, e.g. that the Asuras are referred to as the rulers of the Pathala Lokhas (பாதாள லோகம்), which translates as “the rulers of the planets of the foot”. Please note, I prefer the differentiated perception, not the etymological derivation, which is not absolute either.

This term suggested to me that these could possibly be the lower planets, i.e. the planets below the earth towards the sun, while the terms that refer to the rulers of the upper areas or Deva Lokhas made me think of Mars and the upper planets, i.e. above the earth.

It also makes sense to me that if there was life on these lower planets, the habitable zone may have been different at that time, which official science also thinks is possible, that these species or life forms could have been somewhat temperamental or aggressive, as is thought of southerners. I can also imagine it well, because when it is hot, people fidget wildly and quickly become aggressive, i.e. they quickly lose their temper, at least that is the case with me, which is why I always avoid the heat.

The Devas, on the other hand, lived on a planet that was very pleasant, very chilled out 😂. These were my impressions of how I would reinterpret these terms. A few months ago, it also occurred to me that these species also need to be differentiated, like when you compare matter and antimatter

Speaking of matter and antimatter, according to my cosmic impression1, the ratio of matter and antimatter at the beginning of the Big Bang was ¾ to ¼

If you associate matter with Prakriti, then in my opinion one can compare antimatter with Purusha, although there is no strict separation between Purusha and Prakriti.

Speaking of Devas and Asuras, just as these terms are considered good-natured in the Indian subcontinent and the Asuras are evil, the same is true in the former Babylonian regions, namely the other way around, so there are similar-sounding terms that have the opposite meaning there too.

One should also not forget that the borders in these areas were last redrawn (indirectly and/or through intelligence manoeuvres, that is another matter) by the British after they withdrew.

Another thing, perhaps most people don’t know, is that the Indian subcontinent doesn’t actually belong to the Eurasian plate, at least that’s what geoscience says with its model of plate tectonics


1 See screenshot below of my notes

EN: My vision of 2018-11-20, 10:39 am
DE: Meine Vision von 2018-11-20, 10.39 Uhr

My vision of 2018-11-20, 10:39 am