Monthly Archives: December 2024

Thought Experiment of a Special Kind – Part 2

Thought Experiment of a Special Kind – Part 2

Speaking of numbers, does anyone know what Life Numbers (we call them Number Sasthiram) are and how to calculate them?

For example, let’s take the date of the JFK assassination, which is November 22, 1963, what Life Number does that date have?

The calculated Life Number is 4:7.

Please don’t ask about the meaning or whether there is a certain scientific explanation or correlation for it. There are also people in the military or CIA 🤭who have dealt with this kind of thing.

Many people don’t know that, for example, the first Chancellor of Germany, according to some reputable sources (unfortunately I don’t know them anymore), Konrad Adenauer, consulted astrologers when important appointments were at hand, or even the former American President Ronald Reagan. There may be people from the current time, but most of the time they will probably never reveal it to anyone, maybe in a similar way to how Isaac Newton dealt with alchemy 🤭.

Please note, I never said that all of this is true, nor the opposite, this is not a political move, but if anything, a didactic move.

The mathematics to form the life number is very simple, namely the first number is simply formed by forming the cross sum of the date, i.e. 2 + 2 = 4 and the second number, there is also a single-digit cross sum of the entire date, that is 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 3 = 25 → 2 + 5 = 7.

Apparently, there was speculation as to whether what was shown on the Simpsons was fortune telling. Regardless of whether the cosmos allows this0, i.e. seeing into the future, or simply an apparent correlation is created, similar to how different secret service departments sometimes communicate with each other or with each other in order to eliminate traceability, this can simply be the colour or style of a tie or that you pull down the blinds or only half or which blinds are pulled down etc., i.e. right or left 😂.

No, it’s not movie-worthy 🤭. Much of what exists in films is a reflection of reality and what was once a film can perhaps also become reality, e.g. Knight Rider or many elements from Enterprise, the next generation (Tablet PCs). This is also due to the nature of this cosmos, namely that any imagination that is even possible only represents a subset of the entire probability space. You can and will never be able to imagine it, but if I tell you that this cosmos is splitting off and you ask the question what the resulting cosmos might look like, unless you assume that the one that splits off must already contain the elements of the old one, then it can have similarities. Do you understand what I mean? Let’s take the English alphabet, every English word can only consist of these 26 letters, right? It’s the same with the cosmos, even when it comes to imaginations.

Remember, as I said in a short message, that you just have to let cosmic data or other things in life lie as they come.

They can make you sick on different levels, it can be emotion, reason and many other human entities.

Now I have touched on many things1 without bringing them all together, namely the life number of JFK’s murder and the prediction that the 47th president will be shot in one of the many episodes of “The Simpsons” is a kind of rule-based statement. 

If we are already looking into the crystal ball, then there is a phenomenon that according to some sources has come true in all federal elections in Germany up to now, namely there is a constituency in Germany, that is in Pinneberg, which always reflects what came out at the end after the elections, i.e. which party will provide the Federal Chancellor. 

Maybe the cosmos offers a kind of API (Application Programming Interface) where certain cultivated things can be created based on rules 🤭, which could then perhaps explain the many cultural customs such as superstition, right?

Don’t try to look at the cosmos purely technically, this is mainly just a model explanation from me, and the use of the terms is also due to the fact, as I have already said, that everything can only be invented, or in other words can be found, if they also exist or are an element of the probability space of the cosmos, like the alphabet and the formation of words from the alphabets. Of course, there can also be rules that can construct something new, e.g. new letters, but then there is also this dynamic rule as part of this cosmos.

Imagine that the door, window, and many other things are also a kind of API of a house, because people can go in and out of the house through the door, the light can go in and out through the window so that the light doesn’t go out (light3 = information), there are curtains, and vice versa so that the light doesn’t come in. You can also see this as a kind of firewall.

In software development, the APIs are also there so that a kind of communication can take place between different programs. You can also build a house where nothing goes out or comes in, but that’s more like a coffin 🤭, right?

Thought experiment

Imagine there are arrogant people who come up with the idea: “Come on, let’s make him believe something wrong 🤭”

Let’s say for fun 😂🤭 that they use some kind of unknown technology from a previous civilization, this is what is called UAP today, to make someone believe something. Do you know what reverse engineering is?

If you have understood the principle that I explained that humans do not have real free will and you can also understand that those who are arrogant and set a trap for someone are being tricked by something truly powerful (or omnipotent) into thinking that they are making someone believe something wrong, with the most powerful person over these arrogant people making the others say something. Can you follow 🤭?

Do you like this thought experiment?

Do you understand what Hinduism means by karma or fate? Speaking of the number 47, or the numbers 4 and 7 also have a meaning in Hinduism, namely verse 4.7 in the Gita. Speaking of 47, it is mirror-symmetrical2 to 74

Bhagavad-Gita 4.7:
Whenever the order (morality) of the world goes down and disorder increases, you descendant of the Bharata, then I’ll create myself.

Last but not least: Remember that most things never affect a single person, but also their entire environment, just as the mistakes of a father affect the children or the family, and vice versa, the mistakes of children can ruin the lives of their parents. The problem is, if someone has no connection to family because he or she has never had one or only had negative experiences, then this will have an impact on their environment, that is, society. In this way, a society or culture can gradually become poisoned or perish without realizing it, all in the name of modernity.

There may be people/systems that take advantage of all these circumstances or have even consciously brought all of this about.

What do you think happens in a heart when someone is called a bastard, a son of a bitch or a nigger? Do you think that love arises? Is everyone immune to such attacks? Do you know why constructs like autism exist in nature? Is something missing or is it a gift?

You reap what you sow, right? Isn’t it like karma? Cause and effect, it is also called causality.

Something else about karma, the blind or arrogant can see this story as a kind of parable:

There is a story in our culture where a king is told by a fortune teller that his death will come from the bite of a poisonous snake. So, the king, out of fear, built his palace in the middle of the sea so that the snake could not find access to his palace.

What happened was that a poisonous snake lay down in one of the king’s fruit baskets and was thus carried into the palace. How do you think the king died in the end?

What I am trying to tell you for now is, don’t run away from your problems. The price for running away or delaying (1+3) is always immense. Even if you manage to run away from your fate in your current life, you will pay even more heavily for it later. The world is round 🤭, no matter how you run, sooner or later the past will catch up with you.


0 If you understand what I mean by the different dimensions or entities, you also understand what fortune-telling might be. Isn’t it the case that an imagination takes hold at some point? I’ve already given two examples, namely the talking car or machine and tablet PCs. There are people who have to create theories before they start working, and then there are people who are pragmatic and start without thinking, as if a magical invisible mother hand was helping them in their work. Do you know what I mean?

[One more thing, I’m starting with zero because it wasn’t until the very end that I realized that there was a need for explanation, even though I had already finished numbering the footnotes.]

1 This happens to me often in the heat of the story, perhaps similar 🤭 to Abhimanyu, the son of Arjuna, who learned in the womb how to break through one of the powerful multidimensional defence formations “Chakravyuha“, but no longer how to escape from it.

According to my own interpretation, it could also be a kind of energy field in combination with classical formations, so somehow multidimensional 😇, but not how the string theorists interpret the dimension, but more like the mathematicians.

Other phenomena that I have also noticed, e.g. B. If you wear the covers of Dhritarashtra, you will become blind, by which I mean the inner eye or the intellect or the vision that affects the intellect.

Did you know that the Hindus interpret the world as being Mayan (illusory)? Everything has a certain magic.

2 Attention, the word mirror symmetrical is not defined in mathematics as I use it. This is my definition.

3 Why is light the same as information? Why do you have curtains? So that one on the outside doesn’t see everything that’s happening inside, right? You are thus castrating the information to the outside. Speaking of which, that reminds me of the saying 🤭: “Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”


[Instagram – Satan is Shiva, Francis Xavier tried to defame Hinduism]

I have not studied this video, which I saw only yesterday evening, from a historical perspective, but my cosmic view showed me a year or more ago that the dark force, which certain people worship in the Western world (Aghori cult → அகோரம்), is the energetic state of Shiva as Pithan1, namely after the suicide of Sati, when he loses his mind, but the anger of Rudra, etc. is still present in him. I have also seen that witchcraft has been practiced here, perhaps even by Westerners. Some other forces, e.g. Ravana (Ramayana) or Saguni or Duryodhana, have been herded together or enslaved together.

Apparently even one of the world’s most renowned universities, the California Institute of Technology, also known as Caltech, was founded by Satanists at least this is mentioned in an episode of Young Sheldon 🤭. The famous physicist Stephen Hawking also taught in this department. One should not forget that Newton also secretly worked on alchemy. Whose reincarnation do you think Isaac Newton was? Of course, only if your mind allows it, because culture castrates, i.e. limits, that’s the whole point, right?

Back to the secret services, is this also the reason why the CIA has its headquarters on the west side of the USA? While we’re at it, why are two of the German secret services, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the MAD (Militärischer Abschirmdienst: Military Counterintelligence Service) [MAD → English word “mad”  → Pithan 🤭] in Cologne, which is in North Rhine-Westphalia, and the third BND was in Bavaria until it was transferred to Berlin a few years ago? Speaking of Cologne, I had a four-week advanced seminar there in Cologne with the Bundeswehr. It also occurs to me that Jay-Z and Puff Daddy etc. are also causing havoc on the west side, what a coincidence?

Now back to the German secret services, does this issue with the division of the secret services also have to do with the 3+1 occupation [USA, France, Great Britain and Soviet Union or Russia → 3+1]? A nice number, isn’t it 🤭? The historical course of events was also interesting for me. The Allies liberated the Germans from the Nazis, but appointed a former Nazi, Reinhard Gehlen, as the first head of the Federal Intelligence Service (BND). What a paradox, to give the Nazi scientists new identities and make them work for the American military, etc. I also heard or read – I’m not sure – that a child, for example, was locked up in complete darkness for its entire life from birth in order to find out what its mental development would be like. People are barbaric, especially in the name of science. I read this once because I was also very interested in psychology (since the late 1990s), especially because a lot of human behaviour was very foreign to me as a teenager and I wanted to understand it. One more thing, why were the former Germanic tribes called barbarians, were they the descendants of Ravana 🤭? Do you know what coincidence 🎲🤣 is, also in the context of linguistics? I have also been involved in linguistics, mainly inspired by computer science, namely by the Chomsky grammars (compiler construction). Mr. Chomsky is a very admirable personality, there are several recent interviews with him, for example on Swiss television (SRF) ” Noam Chomsky – Wissenschaftler und Rebell, Sternstunde Philosophie (Noam Chomsky – scientist and rebel, Great moment of philosophy)“.

Do you know that numbers can tell stories, maybe everyone has their own 😇 story? Remember that 1+1 is not always 2. Do you know why? You all think they have to be decimals, but this is a definition. If you learn to deal with them, you will also be able to read traces 💀🤭, whether in science, criminology, etc. … Maybe now I understand why the CIA was interested in magicians, circus people, etc. Imagine that circus people are like postmen because they travel around the world 🤭. Most of them are vagabonds, maybe like Shiva, who of you knows where the Tamil word, nowadays a swear word, Paradesi (பரதேசி) comes from, although Pithan is also a swear word, at least that was what Sundarar intended, right? Paradesi, my cosmic view: “பரதேசி → பரந்து தேசத்தில் திரிபவன் [someone who wanders around in the wide country] → அலைந்து திரிபவர் [vagabond]”. Do you know why Shiva tells Sundarar to be Tevaram (தேவாரம்) with the word Pithan (Pitha pirai soodi ← பித்த பிறை சூடி பெருமானே) start?


1 Pithan means the madman, but does not refer to the era around Sundarar, i.e. from the new history of mankind, but according to my visions from a very earlier era that science still denies. Even Charles Darwin recognized this back then, that many things were different, as he may have postulated at a younger age.

Some keywords: Chemical evolution, Cambrian explosion

Humanity or parts of humanity have already been given a reset/ground zero several times, only this time it will be final. The only question is from which generation and how …

Modern vs. Conservative

Modern vs. Conservative

It is incomprehensible to the uncultured, who probably consider themselves to be modern, let alone to the UNWORTHY.

Of course, the generations before cannot change their lives up to the present hour, so the past cannot be changed, but how it should be should be clear to everyone. This and only this allows a certain future to be possible for the worthy and those who want to be so, as long as they remain pure to the end: “The future must be earned“, but in such a way that there will never be any beneficiaries/parasite, that is, before there are beneficiaries, everyone would lose the future.

Even if parts of science believe that travel into the past or future is possible, that is nonsense. I can explain certain phenomena that have been identified differently, namely that the seed that has been planted constructs a parallel probability space from which something emerges and is projected onto the real axis, in combination with shifts in perception, which also comes about through the different reference systems, similar to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity.

Do you actually know what the word modern actually means, as opposed to conservative?

Does the word “modern” say anything about the quality or quantity of the referenced construct/system? No, that would be nonsense. Look at the cars that are produced today and many other things, they are of inferior quality and that is intentional, it is called obsolescence. It does not necessarily have to be inferior quality across the board, but certain predetermined breaking points are deliberately added or inferior quality is used in certain places, I have noticed this in various things, e.g. in the vacuum cleaner. Of course, I know the business reasons, but that is another topic.

Modernity stands for change, that can be good or bad, so it can also be evil, in contrast to the conservative, that is unchangeable, if you compare it to a diamond, it even takes on a positive meaning, right?

Do you even know that the Trishula of Adi-Shakti is slightly slanted (11 o’clock position) in contrast to the Trishula of Shiva (12 o’clock position)? Do you also know why?

The female is always slanted, didn’t you know that 😂🤪? The interesting thing is that the son can come after the mother and the daughter can come after the father, so crossed, this is also how healthy reproduction is in the natural case, i.e. in cosmic or divine cases. From this context you will understand why absolute asymmetry is elementary, is indispensable, especially in today’s times (Doomsday 🌗), so that a certain symmetry arises.

Change means asymmetry, only through asymmetry are changes possible, symmetry means that they are equal, e.g. 4+1 = 5, in contrast to an inequality, which is 5 < 8. The word inequality also sounds very scary, don’t you think? Imagine there is no change, then there is no possibility of improvement, but if the asymmetry is too great, then it ends in catastrophe.

Did you know that there is a theory called the “butterfly effect” which uses an analogy to explain that the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in the Sahara causes a hurricane on the other side of the world?

What this analogy tries to describe is that small changes in the starting parameters have a big impact on the end result.

Do you also know where this gentleman behaviour comes from or the bad boy behaviour?

For example, put a dog in the middle of the road and say: “Don’t move”, what would happen if the dog didn’t move because it had to listen to the command, was conditioned to do so or is in the dog’s nature and a car came racing towards it, in contrast to a cat, which has a mind of its own anyway and doesn’t let anyone tell it what to do.

Maybe you understand a lot of things better now 🤭😇. The female wants change, the male on the other hand wants to keep in step, like the soldiers, in contrast the male wants to conquer, this is thanks to the Guna Rajas. The men are physically strong, the women are mentally strong (e.g. feeling pain, think of pregnancy), this also comes about because of this, this is Purusha, i.e. software, which represents the mind or the father and physical dominance, this is Prakriti, symbolizes Adi-Shakti.

Another analogy of the divine feminine and the divine masculine manifest differently in nature, namely gas needs a vessel so that it is no longer volatile, a vessel represents matter or Prakriti, of course a gas is also matter, this is all complicated to understand and actually cannot be separated, in fact very complex.

In true love there is no separation either, it is the ego, the darkness that separates you, I wear the breeches and not you, as if the right hand is arguing with the left, although it is natural that one hand is a little stronger, but both are irreplaceable and complement each other.

Ask the bodybuilders whether they value the fact that both halves of the body are trained symmetrically, why do you arrogant people think that your better half should be inferior? You notice it in aesthetics, but it gets lost in marriage, right?

You all create the problems yourself, perhaps boredom or stupidity or a combination of both, then there is also the INVISIBLE, where GASLIGHTING is practiced?

Remember, entering into a relationship with the wrong asymmetry is like stealing someone else’s asymmetry. This has serious consequences, especially in the current time, because it also determines the future. Of course, nothing can be wasted or used up, whether it’s a man or a woman. The uncultured will find this difficult to understand, it is also in their nature, because the law of inertia is also a manifestation of the unchangeable, namely Shiva.

Something else elementary, pathological jealousy etc. are also crystallizations of the broken asymmetries, I was able to experience this cosmically a few years ago, but it is very complicated to formulate here. I have recorded it in one of my audio protocols2024-04-28 17.30.05 (Protocol & Enlightenment – How jealousy arises → wrong partners or asymmetry break …)“.

The break can occur on many levels and dimensions, including parents, friends, the profession or divine calling, all of this and much more are part of the absolute asymmetry.

This question was induced by an unworthy person …

The year in which the idea of ​​absolute asymmetry arose must have been around 2003, plus or minus a year, although I got most of the inspiration when I was sitting in math lectures, and I also got many other ideas about artificial intelligence or the solution or defusing of the halting problem in a math lecture, although my fully formulated article on GG-Art18 is not yet complete. The thoughts are very complex, when I start to formulate them, a lot of them disappear, sometimes as if someone was deliberately erasing them with a kind of quantum eraser1, and it was also because of this disappearance of the thoughts that I had the idea, I think about 22 years ago, of developing an AI that would transcribe my thoughts into words 🤣😂.

[I published this article in 2016, but the fully formulated idea behind it is at least 10 years older.]

My thought was that artificial intelligence, actually it was Alan Turing who didn’t say that it was artificial intelligence because the term was only introduced later, but it was a universal program, but the way such a program works is similar to artificial intelligence, now back to defusing the problem, namely I have eliminated the paradox here in the same way that Barber’s paradox was eliminated.

My approach is that an artificial intelligence can be very powerful, even more powerful than humans on various levels of intellect, even if the machine lacks this one single gift of reflecting on itself, because humans are also only able to do this to a limited extent.

These are all just thought experiments because I have always been annoyed by how many professors just repeat what is in the books without thinking about what they are saying. I mean, I would even say that most academics have no idea what science really is.

I am passionate about topics from computer science, physics, psychology, parts of medicine in connection with artificial intelligence, etc., so in an interdisciplinary way, which is also necessary for topics like artificial intelligence, and I only have a problem with ignorance.

Important message

Last-But-Not-Least: Never think you are anonymous in the divine network, there is the divine karma system, this is untouchable, otherwise the cosmos would collapse, like the last 84 years before the Big Bang, then there is the man-made pseudo-karma system. So that you can see the numbers 84 and 85 in a cosmic context, whereby the numbers are coded in multiple dimensions. The collapse of the cosmos and the uncontrolled new beginning can be compared to a boot loop after a blue screen.

Do you know how old the current universe is according to the official scientific sources? It is around 13.81 billion years, according to Wikipedia. Put your human life or your existence in relation to it, then you will see how tiny you all are or insignificant, but the sum of your actions … not just in the last billion years.

Another important thing: Not all divine systems are constantly synchronized. This can be due to latency or they can be divinely formed. If you are together with the wrong asymmetries, even if only illusory, then divine structures will still be built for your wrong asymmetries and you, and destroyed when you separate, because everyone is also Shiva and Adi-Shakti somewhere, just on a small scale, so not congruent (definition: geometry). Only absolute purity on all levels and dimensions allows one to grow, where the ego then disappears, then one speaks of being enlightened, where there is no difference between Atman and Paramatman. This is also why Hindus talk about incarnations, even when it comes to human personalities, because they are worthy of God, but 0.000000009 ≠ 0, so not the same, they are messengers of God or his pearls, perhaps all the others were too. It is a kind of limit formation.

If you throw the question back to incarnations like Krishna, Rama, …, then contradictions arise, because where true love reigns, there are no such thought constructs. Such thoughts arise from impurities, which are also darkness or ignorance, and above all arrogance. What are the consequences? Do you think that it affects a snail who is the Chancellor or Vice Chancellor? Perhaps only indirectly.

Why is there an upper limit, e.g. the speed of light?

Imagine that the entire cosmos would have been destroyed by the beheading of Vinayagar or the suicide of Sati, which is also the case somewhere, it is called Dosha, similar to when the motherboard of a computer has cold solder joints or the circuit boards of the motherboard, which is also the cosmos, have been damaged with a sharp object.


1 I do not use this term to coincide with the definition from quantum mechanics, but the mechanisms may be similar to those of a person suffering from anterograde amnesia, whereby the time intervals can be even shorter and manual intervention is also possible.

It is just that two or three years ago, when I was dealing with this topic from quantum physics, I was looking for a word for this matter at the same time, although according to my cosmic insight the theory in quantum physics should not be as correct as perhaps perceived or recorded by physicists.

Ignorance: Arrogance

Ignorance: Arrogance

Part 1

Addendum: Wir rütteln und schütteln an der Wissenschaft

The arrogance and ignorance has also led to conclusions, he is only one divine entity, if anything, we are superior in sum and regardless, Adi-Shakti is in our power and control.

Who pays all the price of arrogance and ignorance? 

Part 2

Vinayagar tests Veda Vyasa

At the end of the Ramayana, Veda Vyasa wants to record the Ramayana and is looking for someone who can write down his words. One version says that Vinayagar personally contacts him as a stenographer.

It may have happened in a later era, so maybe we’ll leave the truth as it is for now. 

In his excitement at wanting to record this enormous knowledge of the cosmos, he forgets who is standing in front of him and says to Vinayagar in a somewhat raised, slightly arrogant voice, you have to write it as quickly as I dictate it to you, provided I receive it. 

Vinayagar then replies, it’s not a question of whether I can write as quickly as you dictate, but rather whether you can dictate as quickly as I can write, one of them breaks off his tusk and prepares for the writing competition. 

Cosmos is alive and not dynamic and lifeless

Cosmos is alive and not dynamic and lifeless

When I use examples from computer science or many theories in physics/quantum physics and many other scientific domains that may attempt to describe consciousness, I get the feeling that many people have the wrong picture of the whole, namely that the cosmos is a kind of machine. The human body is also called a machine (இயந்திரம்/எந்திரம் → Enthiram) in Tamil, at least this is used in some Hindu texts, I think also that was the case in the Gita. You have to understand what the word machine actually suggests, namely first and foremost a certain degree of determinism, e.g. cigarette machines are deterministic, this is a topic in the basic course of computer science, how automata work, for example. 

Only because I use technical terms that humanity only came to understand in lifeless matter and even in the western hemisphere there is a kind of blindness when it comes to defining materials, because chemistry also has certain definitions between dead matter and living matter etc.

I have been able to observe and perceive a lot of things in recent years, which then convinced me a lot and or I didn’t know how to sort it all out or understand it. There is also a song by Xavier Naidoo that sums it up, namely “Alles Lebt [→ Everything is alive]” or you won’t believe it, similar to the Disney film “Beauty and the Beast“.

Just for your information, I don’t know to what extent who/what has already experienced everything that is constantly being passed on in circles, not only that, but new groups are gradually joining in, so don’t draw the wrong conclusions, I haven’t taken drugs and I don’t take drugs either, maybe a little alcohol, that’s only for medical purposes, i.e. digestion 🤭.

Why I mention this, but phrase it a bit funny, is to remember that your thoughts are also actions, just as your non-thoughts are also an action, similar to how the empty set is also a subset of every set.

It’s not just that it’s mentioned here, but that’s how it’s presented in Hinduism. There are two major movements in Hinduism, Vedanta and Samkhya, although I couldn’t delve into the kind of philosophical works that I would have if I had studied philosophy because I couldn’t find a teacher or people who were passionate about it, and I even wanted to learn and understand Sanskrit, so I can’t categorize it that way, but I was able to teach myself a lot from the context of the Vaishnava tradition. Of course, there are many ways to teach all of this nowadays, e.g. via YouTube, which wasn’t the case when I was spiritually blossoming and only played a major role in my autodidactic progress in the later phase. Now it’s too late for a lot of things or more preciously not more needed because the entire library is inside me 😇, as Hinduism also says, you just have to find the access 🤭, regardless of the fact that I don’t…

There’s a difference between reading all of that or having read it like I did and perhaps not having understood it, but then suddenly experiencing/perceiving everything and no longer knowing how to sort out this perception, especially all of that overstimulated my senses, as I have already described figuratively with the blind man who begins to see for the first time. It’s just that no one is currently able to talk openly about it because there are different construction sites or legacy issues everywhere.

I experienced all of that in the first phase, which was before 2012 à la Enemy of the State 🤭, but even then, not everyone was willing to talk, even though I did.

My hypothesis is that due to the different latencies, people are not aware of many things, and perhaps other things cannot be conscious of them, even if they are conscious. Can you follow me? In abstract terms, how do you think a snail perceives time if it could do something like that, which humans or science cannot rule out? It certainly has a completely different time lapse, similar to the frame rate in a video, than humans, right?

I have read that intoxicated people, i.e. those who take drugs, also have different time lapses, i.e. perception of time. This is also shown in films, as if their consciousness receives and processes more information in the same period of time. I know that the brain has a natural filter that protects against overstimulation, for example if you live on a busy street, at some point you no longer notice these background noises, it is a natural filtering mechanism of the brain, also a kind of shutter-function or firewall.

It is also, what is perception here, how is it to be understood, are there other sense organs than the 5 (+4) senses defined in science?

Is it possible that certain perceptions can be activated somehow, as if by an (invisible) switch? Some things also reminded me of one of my first posts, namely the transcendent of the number 3, where Hinduism defines three levels or states, namely:

  1. அரூபம் (Transliteration: Aruhpam), 
  2. அருவுருவம் (Transliteration: Aruvuruvam) and 
  3. உருவம் (Transliteration: Uruvam)

Some things in physics, namely dark matter or dark energy, or the interactions, although I had a different explanation for the first two, that’s another matter, but in order to better understand the sensory perception, you have to understand what an interaction is in physics. 

Most of the time physics is only about one interaction, namely electromagnetism, and the 5+4 can also be traced back to that, because the sense of sight, what happens here is that the visible light, which is actually electromagnetism, i.e. a certain frequency spectrum, is converted into electrical signals, which is also electromagnetism, i.e. electricity. This is transmitted via the optic nerves to the visual cortex in the back of the head.

It’s similar with everything else, e.g. the sense of smell, here the chemical substances are converted into electrical impulses and in turn are transmitted electrically, as if via a kind of data line, which are the nerves or the entire CNS, to the relevant area of ​​the brain. It is no different with the sense of hearing. There, the acoustic stimuli are converted into electrical impulses by the fine hairs and membrane in the ear, perhaps similar to a record, and then transmitted electrochemically; actually, all stimuli are transmitted electrochemically.

How can you imagine the interaction in abstract terms, what does interaction mean? In layman’s terms or in a visual representation, an interaction is like when two billiard balls hit each other. What happens when two billiard balls hit each other? They learn about each other, or if they had consciousness. This is only explained in layman’s terms or as a model, so that you understand what an interaction is, because otherwise the physicists might have a fit of rage 🤭.

For human perception, and perhaps even sufficient for survival, it is clear that when two billiard balls collide, these two objects interact. However, in the quantum world this is not the case. There, there is the phenomenon of wave-particle duality and there are mediating particles that exchange the message or the forces. In electromagnetism, these are photons.

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