Monthly Archives: November 2024

Order: Part 5

Order: Part 5

Can anyone explain the well-known quote, at least it is often quoted by religious people in Western culture or Christianity in the context of marriage:

“A marriage is decided in heaven and fulfilled on earth.”

Perhaps this can be compared and understood with the absolute asymmetry of love. Real seeds have already been planted in various cultures, only they have not been planted on really fertile ground and have taken on more satanic traits. That, in turn, is a topic in itself.

If there is an order in nature, don’t you think that everything is well sorted and is just thrown together as a kind of job creation scheme. If you understand the mechanisms of this throwing together, you can do a lot of damage, similar to how if you know the laws of planetary movement, then you can predict planetary movements using Kepler’s law, that’s no longer hocus-pocus, is it? The problem is that stupidity knows no limits, but intellect does. 

One more thing: I also want to counteract the ignorance of many who perhaps think that it is their impulse that makes them speak or write. To do this, you have to understand something from Hinduism that is worshipped as a deity in the form of an elephant. This deity has many names, including a Tamil name, namely Vinayagar (விநாயகர்), which means the one who brings questions (விநா = question) to life in everyone. Most people associate turmeric colour with this deity. 

One more thing that is wrong is that Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, it is not necessarily pluralistic, as some educated people try to define it, but perhaps dualistic at first glance, that is Shiva and Adi-Shakti.

At some point, if humanity still exists, it will understand that all religions are not different, they just come from the same source, but identifying them seems to be difficult for some because the ego gets in the way. The ego is nothing more than ignorance or having a really thick callus where you hardly feel anything. You can also compare it to a firewall, a rule that is activated and throws away the packets, if you try to look at it more in the context of the shutterfunction

Last but not least: Has it ever happened to you in your life that you said things in an argument and then you thought, I didn’t actually want to say that? The matter then somehow escalated and you no longer had control 😈👿 over your tongue… I do! What about your motor skills?

Order: Part 4

Order: Part 4

It is perhaps not known to the general public that there is a clear image for something abstract in mathematics, namely the visualization of the probability space.

If one put a chimpanzee in front of a typewriter and give the chimpanzee enough time, paper, ink, etc., it is possible that the chimpanzee will one day type out the entire Bible without making any mistakes.

This possibility exists in this universe. This is called the possibility space. With this I want to reinforce my previous statement that you can only invent something that is also an element of the possibility space, without analysing again the German word “erfinden“, i.e. “to invent” etymologically.

So, if a chimpanzee can even type the Bible correctly, isn’t it the arrogance of humans that they put themselves on a pedestal?

You also have to understand chance correctly, not necessarily as quantum mechanics postulated or the interpretation of it, but in all contexts or the true nature, i.e. without castrating anything.

Apparently, it was, at least that is the official statement 😉, I had other impressions, but that is another matter, to unite quantum mechanics with the theory of relativity and create an all-encompassing super theory, that is TOE (Theory of Everything). There are many different approaches to trying to make this happen, including quantum gravity. 

I presented this for the first time on my website about 18 years ago or so, which then led to some professors (Uni HD, HHN …) degrading fellow students, but that is an old story.

Actually, it was not this that fueled their arrogance, but the fact that I criticized string theory or saw it as more suitable for science fiction films and not as a model of reality, at least the general interpretation. I considered the idea that space could be rolled up like strings to be unrealistic, but I did not expect that people of this calibre might be interested in my lecture. It was more of a desperate attempt on my part to find like-minded people, but not necessarily to generate hostility.

I also did not expect that professors or others in this country would have the upper hand, because this was not known in my mind at the time.

In the meantime, I had impressions/visions about the reality of physics, i.e. about the model of the world, where the 3+1 (=4) dimension, known in science as space-time, is not sufficient to describe many phenomena, such as gut feeling, remote viewing (RV) and many other phenomena, but there are additional dimensions or entities that exist on each of the four axes and twice, i.e. MahaKala and MahaKali.

By the way, if you are interested in the sets above the complex numbers, here is the resolution of the hierarchy: Quaternion, Octonion, Sedenion

All of these have several imaginary axes. These also play a role in string theory or 3D games, (3D) simulations up to my mentions, such as: RV, consciousness etc.

Order: Part 3

Order: Part 3

Remember that a car looks like a car and does not collapse into a lump of metal, iron, plastic, rubber…etc., has to do with a natural memory of matter.

How do you shape iron? You heat it up and the old memory is destroyed, you shape it again and let it cool down systematically, i.e. you program a new memory for the object.

There are also systems or metals, they even say intelligent metals or shape memory alloys, which, when they are the body of a car, return to their original shape after an accident with a hot air gun, I read about it in a specialist journal in the late 90s, in case anyone thinks that this has only been around for a few years now, where the growth resembles Eulerian form and is getting faster and faster…

Did you think in the 80s that talking cars could ever exist, like Knight Rider or Herbie (VW Beetle, since the 60s, so 1963) 😉? How does the present feel?

Has the imaginary axis projected its seed onto the real axis? Do you know what complex numbers are? These numbers are unsorted and lie in a plane, not like all the other numbers before them, e.g. real numbers, rational numbers, … up to the natural numbers, then we also have the extravagant numbers that are called transcendental, such as pi, Euler’s number, etc.

It is also arrogant of people to say: “The good Lord made the whole numbers, everything else is man’s work.” If that were the case, how are fractals or quantum mechanics to be understood 😉? Does God have no idea about this advanced mathematics 😉?

Speaking of which, there are of course numbers above the complex numbers, these are necessary in computer science and in many other engineering disciplines, or generally in the STEM subjects, whether it is quantum mechanics or 3D games etc., are not possible without these constructs.

Also, do not forget that in a cosmos only things that are already there can exist, even if people in their arrogance think they are inventing something, even in the German word “erfinden”, that means “to invent” there is the medicine in the German term to break the arrogance, namely German term “erfinden” consist the term “finden” that means to find, so one can only invent things if they are part of the cosmos, i.e. are there in a form [not in context to have a form], right? Can you find something that is not there? No, can you?

Everything in this world is just a variation / permutation etc., including your thoughts. Everything has limitslimited edition, including information. You can never imagine that if this cosmos splits off and something completely different emerges, where the WHERE cannot be understood.

One more thing: It may be that the “natural numbers” are infinite and so are the “real numbers”, but the real numbers are overpowering. In mathematics, we talk about uncountability, which means much more powerful. All of these number systems that you can ever invent are part of this cosmos, but never…

Pre-Zero Age – Free Will

Pre-Zero Age – Free Will

Who hasn’t experienced that in the first few hours of biology class, when you start dissecting animals and/or conducting experiments, such as moving the frog’s leg of a dead frog using electrical impulses. Most of the time, such experiments are shown as video documentation, at least that’s how it was with us.

It would also be cruelty to animals if everyone started dissecting animals in order to learn from them, but that’s another topic or a topic in itself.

If this is the case, and we know about the different Brodmann areas of the brain and many other peripheral systems of the nervous system or CNS (central nervous system), is it possible to stimulate these areas remotely, i.e. without using cables?

Perhaps it is already like this in nature and people create an illusion out of their ignorance that they are free? How can instincts, gut feelings, for example, be explained? A child dies in an accident and the mother/father sense that something has happened to their child.

Imagine if the secret services/military had secretly researched all of this and had been conducting field tests on their own people for decades or centuries?

Would you agree with that or would you say: “Yes, let them do it”.

Maybe also: Give us a few good deals at Lidl/ALDI/VW… and we’ll be happy.

Anyone who denies all of this has no idea about history and politics, right?

Can science be something absolute? Or is it a kind of modern religion?

Of course, science can never be absolute, that would be an internal contradiction. Science can only depict models of reality. It can only falsify and not verify, e.g. if a hypothesis is put forward that all ravens are black, it cannot verify this, but can only falsify if it is not so. 

Who knows the CIA’s MK-Ultra program?

Who knows the CIA’s MK-Ultra program?

It has many names, such as Borgs, is also symbolically represented with a cube or the monkey team, etc.

What do scientists say about free will? Do opinions differ here, perhaps there should be democratic voting in science? Is science really free, in the social sense? How are universities financed, is there a dependency?

What is perception? 😇🕕