On the Edge of Truth


In democratic countries, when the death penalty is imposed, at least as far as I know, the person is first nursed back to health before they are executed. 

Do you know the reason?

Let’s assume hypothetically that there will be a Last Judgement, so called doomsday, what will happen with the Last Judgement, which exists in all cultures in different forms, although such things are denied and/or ignored by the official sides, be it science or the state?

Ignorance, gaslighting does not protect against…

The question is not how such thought constructs arise in many cultures, but we simply play with the idea of ​​ what-ifs …?

Will humanity also be nursed back to health for the first time? Let’s assume that maybe there are different deadlines. Imagine you are sitting in the high school exams and hand in your results or parts of the results after the deadline has passed? Do you know what I mean? Do you think it will change your grade?

Is it perhaps like a bottomless pit?

Apropos bottomless pit [ → Mathematical symbol for the union]:

Without 1+3, i.e. SJ, many things or rather everything is like a bottomless pit.
1+3 இல்லாமல், அதாவது SJ, எல்லாமே ஓட்டை பானை/பாத்திரம் போன்றது.