Category Archives: Misc

Without words…


Cannon fodder - Part 3

Cannon fodder – Part 3


[04.02.2017]: Daily News from the TV-Channel: Devil / Angel Media

Daily News - Channel: Devil / Angel Media


[01.02.2017]: The PhoneCall

The PhoneCall


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Cannon fodder - Part 2


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cannon fodder


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Judgement Day 24.01.2017

The model of truth

The model of truth

[Last update: 18th July 2017]

Many understand under the model of truth only the two common defintions of truth. One is the truth and the other one is the untruth or the non-truth. The classical mathematical proof is based on this dualistic principle. There is a similar model in mathematics, called fuzzy logic, but that is not what I mean.

[Attention: The understanding of truth takes different dimensions in quantum physics, see Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and the thought experiment “Schrödinger’s cat“]

Can our world be described purely by the classic model so far, or must we extend or complement this model? What if this model is not even enough for our classical view. Can truth be at the same time true and false, or never meet the criteria of the other two?

In philosophy, we discover a truth model that has three faces, or, as the physicists or mathematicians would formulate, consist of three states. The absolute truth, the non-truth, and the third is the “relative (suggested or subjective) truth”. The latter is the truth which an individual perceives as true, but which does not correspond to the absolute truth. Absolute truth is always true in any view and state, regardless of perspective, and there is no truth above it.

This philosophical construct is not only of a platonic nature! The special theory of relativity also makes use of this definition (question of perspective or frame of reference) without mentioning this.

  • (Absolute) truth, it is true in every context or in all areas. (There is no truth above it)
  • The non-truth, it is wrong in every context or in all areas
  • The relative truth, it is true or false only from a certain context
    • The relative truth should be well defined in philosophy, politics and similar disciplines in order to explain occurrences and actions better:
      • suggested truth:
        The truth which is held to be true
      • subjective truth:
        The truth which one or more individuals consider/think to be true, as it is suggested by external sources or it is perspective

The terms and their definitions, as I have defined them here, is important in order to be able to judge and understand things differently. The mind must be sensitized and properly trained for this task.

Many do not know that journalism is the unofficial fourth pillar of a democratic legal system. In this context, I would like to introduce a person / journalist, whom I humanly as well as intellectually admire – that is no other than Peter Scholl-Latour. His reports and his knowledge are legendary. Sometimes even for such a person it is not, or hardly possible, to present the absolute truth, as I have defined it here. Because even such personalities do not have the knowledge for example about all unofficial technologies to bring the absolute truth to light.

The proceeding of certain interest groups, as I have already described in my article “The oldest war weapon in the world,” is not only one-dimensional, it is multi-dimensional. Just to concentrate only on technologies and psychology is bad. There are other attack areas like the economy, personal life etc.

In addition, I recommend the following Wikipedia article to read:

But do not confuse this with my sentence “violation of causality”!


* Helmut Schmidt and Peter Scholl-Latour at the talk show of Mr. Beckmann (Public broadcasting: → ARD) [Translated: Helmut Schmidt meets Peter Scholl-Latour, broadcasted on 2nd May 2011 on ARD]

I should also like to mention that Helmut Schmidt had through his work as a Federal Chancellor from 1974 to 1982 and from 1969 to 1972 through his work as Federal Minister of Defense, additional (intelligence agency) information or a different view of information as Peter Scholl- Latour. The old Chancellor already knew in those days about the activities of different secret services and the technologies used by them, which is first now known to the wider world population by the current reconnaissance. This can be seen clearly in the interview. Anyone who knows all the public appearances of the two admirable personalities can make a better picture from local politics to world politics. There are also many books about and by the two gentlemen.

For a better understanding, I would recommend the book Targeted Killing: The Future of the War by Armin Krishnan. This book is only in German language available. Unfortunately, there is also no printed version for this book, but the digital edition (Kindle Edition) is available by amazon. If you have an Amazon account and a tablet PC or smartphone, you can download the Kindle app to read the purchased book. You do not really need the Amazon in-house Kindle Reader. You can use every Android phone and iPhone, where this Kindle app can be installed. This app is also available as desktop software for the personal computer.

Knowledge, another form of power

Knowledge, another form of power

There is enough information on the Internet, but it is sometimes unsuitable for scientific purposes because the sources do not meet the standards of science. It is for everyone advisable to continue one’s education. I sometimes get the feeling that people are living the ideology that if one put a little effort on one’s brain it can be spared, as it may sometimes be the case with everyday things. This does not apply to our most important organ; the opposite is the case!

I would like to quote an old Tamil proverb for the end:

கற்றது கையளவு
கல்லாதது உலகளவு.

Translated it means, what you know has the dimension of a fist, compared to what you do not know, it is as big as the entire world / the universe.

Or even shorter:
What you know is the size of a fist – what you do not know is as big as the world / the universe.


Only knowledge can protect everyone from that, what is currently happening all over the world. Hope that when the purification procedure is over, it will never be needed again for a yuga, or these downgrades of yugas will no longer be the case – except for one’s own karma, it is always enduring. For information, we are in Kali Yuga after the Hindu age.

By-the-way (btw):
Wissenschaft [→ science] = Wissen erschaffen [→ create knowledge]
Wissenschaft [→ science] ≠ Wissen begraben [→ burying knowledge]

I will give you a few sources here, how and where you can possibly get free electronic books, etc., then gradually expand them without getting this post to the foreground each time.

The links to the free eBooks pages as well as the online sources can be only found in the future here:

The world’s oldest war weapon

The world’s oldest war weapon

[Last Update: 03rd August 2017]

The oldest war weapon in the world is as old as the mankind, but still effective and timeless.

Many of us imagine when they hear the word “war weapon” something technical, perhaps in our new era of B2B, something with B2B. How can it work with and without B2B and what are the consequences? I’ll try to explain the classical way without technical achievements, so anybody understand this can imagine what will it be if the attacks are combined (e. g. see my post “The Amygdala – part of the limbic system: do we really decide?”).

There is a very powerful weapon – the oldest war weapon – it is not of a physical nature, it is of psychological nature. The damages/manipulations are on a level, that the detection of the source(s) or backtracking cannot be done fast enough or is impossible. One of the reasons why detecting is so difficult is, that they try to not violate the causality e. g. using the given situation like hate between races, religions, families etc. and lot of manipulation are going through more than one generation. One should also notice that the source / injector can’t be classified as nations or something like that. Sometimes the manipulation can also take unwanted positive side effects. There is not only one psychological attack tactic because the less number of psychological attack tactics would lead the chances of success converging to zero.

Imagine the fundament for the EU (European Union) was given shortly after the second world war and not first in the end of the 80s. One of the reasons to build the EU is to be armed for such manipulation. The reason why this point of view is first shortly understandable is that even not all were inaugurated. The form of the EU like we have now is given since the 21st century. The situation we have now and can feel and notice is the absolute truth (see my definition absolute truth or The three manifolds of truth, or the three faces of truth) and bring politics, sciences, religions etc. in a new absolute view. In those days, the fitting of the parameters of a complex equation were not so easy like nowadays with classical computers or quantum computers. The equation of the world politics is so complex as the equation for the weather. Apropos weather, the research for manipulating the weather started even before the First World War e. g. injecting the clouds with silver iodide and the information that a weather can decide about victory or defeat was known since the mankind are waging wars. Nowadays we can feed a computer with different parameters and let it calculate the end process.  This is the reason why some manipulations had positive or unwanted side effects in those days without powerful computers.

How can one divide religions, peoples, ethnic groups, cultures, families, etc.? Since the technical achievements alone are not sufficient, perhaps not useful, because one could identify the source / injector* and thereby the damage will be compensated after a foreseeable time.

The causers / fire raisers conceal themselves behind religions, ethnicities, nations, although they are everywhere and with us. The tactics are even better when they sometimes play the firefighters after they have raised up the fire. The hatred / hate in everyone is the driving force that the injectors usually use. Once lit, it develops its own dynamics (momentum), which was so intended by the injectors. One can then decouple from the thing, because the own dynamics will do the rest and one do not run the risk of being detected.

To conceal everything more effectively, keep the primitive people primitive and let them play/consume/deal with primitive things. This is only a tactical deflection maneuver. I am counting here some of the things: whorehouses, alcohols, drugs, etc. Combine these with financial hardship (e.g. less payments) bad education etc. and one will get a better effect of concealing.

If one combine all these things the system, the people, the nations, etc., are thrown into a controlled chaos. This information is also pointed out in my article “The glassy man, a devil’s work?” In the sentence: “If one have ever thought about how tailback / jam occurs and how engineers try to disarm these then you ‘ll understand how one can use the same Know-how to get the opposite effect.”

How can chaos be controllable – is not a contradiction?

It is important to question the events correctly, objectively and with rational mind and not to drown in any conspiracy theories. This would be counterproductive since it is poison for the mind. It is also bad at the same time to doubt everything or to believe, one come into vicious circle. One must accept certain things as true – unless the contrary is proved. This is similar to the mathematical proof. If one begins to doubt everything even the basic axioms of the mathematics, the whole system collapses. Anyone who has been good in maths, e. g. reductio ad absurdum, mathematical induction etc., will understand what I’m trying to explain.

* injector = people who injects things in classical way or with technical achievements

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Further sources

The glassy man, a devil’s work

The glassy man, a devil’s work?

[Last Update: 15th July 2017]

Most people are not aware that the profiling of a human being is very simple in our digital era. Although it is sometimes thought that the data is decentralized and are not associable, but there are ways to get access. Anyone who has been paying attention in math lectures knows the meaning of a transitive relation, which says that if a = b and b = c, the information a = c can be extracted without have been given explicit. I have chosen this example for better understanding. The instruments of data mining are much more complex, which of course can be misused for profiling and other damaging purposes.

The principle of chaos theory says that small changes in the starting parameters have a great impact on its result. If you want to kick a system into chaos, profiling is very helpful. As I mentioned in my article “Brain-To-Brain Interface,” people tend to use the data and new technologies almost first for destructive things rather than for meaningful things.

If one have ever thought about how tailback / jam occurs and how engineers try to disarm these then you ‘ll understand how one can use the same Know-how to get the opposite effect. For example, substitute the word jam with the word war in the previous sentence, then the same sentence get into a new informational dimension. If we pair this knowhow / information with the stupidity of some, then we have a powerful instrument such as terror. Looking at the terror of past decades, perhaps one has noticed that the mankind was not freed from this on any days. Is it a coincidence? Are there really different faces and names? The best arrangement is to make people to thing that they are willed at their own. I can easily fill a whole book only with topics like manipulation (techniques), see also my article: “The world’s oldest war weapon” or “The Amygdala – part of the limbic system: do we really decide?”.

It should also be clear for everyone that in my articles sentences (Wortspielerei [DE] = word gaming ? [EN]; I’m not sure what the right expression is for the German word “Wortspielerei” is in English) such as “When God enters the marriage with devil” have deep meanings. This sentence contains a lot of information in it, so one can easily fill several pages for the interpretation of it. It has primarily didactic reasons when I briefly summarize the texts.